WASHINGTON — A baby who survived an abortion as his heart continued beating, but was soon murdered alive as his face was cut through with scissors to harvest his brain, was mourned by an Arizona Congressman during a hearing on Wednesday regarding Planned Parenthood’s alleged harvesting and sale of the organs of aborted babies.
During his opening comments for the hearing, Rep. Trent Franks (R) relayed testimony from one of the most gruesome Planned Parenthood expose’ videos released to date.
“One of these videos describes an incident where one of [StemExpress’ employees procuring organs from babies at Planned Parenthood] calls one of the younger employees over to witness something that was ‘kind cool,’—that one of the baby’s hearts was still beating,” he explained. “The older employee then said, ‘Okay, this is a really good fetus, and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure a brain.”
“And then using scissors, together the two employees, starting at the baby’s chin, cut upward the center of this child’s face and pulled out the baby’s little brain and placed it in a container, where it could later be sold,” Franks continued.
He then appeared to hold back tears as he reflected on the brutality of abortion.
“Mr. Chairman, I find this so crushingly sad that the only time this little baby was ever held by anyone in his short life was by those who cut his face open and took his brain,” Franks said. “Have we forgotten that it was not so long ago that authorities entered the clinic of Dr. Kermit Gosnell?”
“And yet the president of the United States of America and many members of Congress have not uttered one single syllable against these gut-wrenching atrocities of Kermit Gosnell or Planned Parenthood. Is this who we truly are?” he asked.
“[Abortion] is the worst human rights atrocity in the history of the United States of America,” Franks proclaimed.
He then chastised his fellow Congressman who would characterize abortion as a choice.
“I know that many of you on this committee will hold to the standard line and try to cloak all of this in the name of freedom of choice, but I beg you to open your own hearts and ask yourselves: What is so liberating about brutally and painfully dismembering living helpless little human babies?” Franks said with emotion.
“In spite of all the political noise, protecting these little babies and their mothers is not a Republican issue, and it is not a Democrat issue,” he declared. “It is a basic test of our humanity and who we are as a human family.”
Wednesday’s hearing also included testimony from abortion survivors Melissa Ohden and Gianna Jessen, both of whom survived saline infusion abortions in 1977.
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