RALEIGH, N.C. – Researchers have confirmed that biomaterial discovered on an ancient fossil is in fact preserved dinosaur blood, astonishing evolutionists who continue to believe the fossil is 80 million years old.
Over the past decade, scientists have unearthed a number of dinosaur fossils with preserved blood vessels and soft tissue. Many evolutionists initially treated such discoveries with skepticism and incredulity—while others rejected them outright—due to their seeming incompatibility with the evolutionary timeframe.
In a November 23 journal article published in “Journal of Proteome Research,” scientists from North Carolina State University confirmed that blood vessels found on the fossil of a hadrosaur (B. canadensis) are in fact dinosaur blood—not contaminants from some other source.
“Their findings add to the growing body of evidence that structures like blood vessels and cells can persist over millions of years,” the university announced in a press release last week.
In their journal article, the researchers confessed that they initially thought protein-filled blood vessels could not possibly survive in any dinosaur fossil for millions of years.
“The [discovery of tissue] from Tyrannosaurus rex was controversial when first reported,” they wrote. “The survival of proteins from the Cretaceous Period (66–145 million years ago) was not thought to be possible.”
“Although soft tissue vessels and cells have been observed in multiple fossil specimens … continued skepticism on the prevalence and endogeneity of ancient soft tissues and their composite molecules persists,” they added.
After tediously analyzing the blood vessels to ensure they were in fact from the dinosaur, the researchers wrote that their observations “support the hypothesis that these molecules derive directly from the B. canadensis blood vessels and are not from environmental or laboratory contamination.”
“Our results add further, robust support to the identification of these still soft, hollow structures as remnant blood vessels produced by the once living dinosaur,” they concluded.
Now that the identification of the dinosaur blood vessels has been confirmed, scientists are left with two possible explanations: either the dinosaur blood somehow defied expectations and survived for 80 million years, or the dinosaur fossil is not nearly as old as most people believe.
The most likely scenario, say many Christian scientists, is the second explanation: that dinosaurs lived much more recently than evolutionists allege. Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, said that these discoveries of preserved dinosaur blood vessels and soft tissue should come as no surprise to Bible-believing Christians.
“This … is consistent with the young age of the Earth as described in God’s Word and in no way confirms evolutionary ideas about the past,” he wrote on his blog in reference to a similar discovery. “Of course evolutionists can’t even consider the possibility that these bones are not millions of years old, as they have to have their supposed millions of years to propose their ideas of molecules-to-man evolution. Actually, believing in millions of years is a necessary part of the religion of naturalism (atheism).”
“Are evolutionists questioning their assumptions?” Ham asked. “Of course not! Instead, they simply assume the materials somehow survived for [millions of] years because they believe on the basis of their evolutionary presuppositions that the fossil is that old.”
“We can trust God’s Word to provide us with an accurate history of Earth,” Ham proposed.
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