MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — A Tennessee woman is facing an attempted murder charge for using a coat hanger in an attempt to perform a self-abortion.
Anna Yocca, 31, an unmarried mother, reportedly filled her bathtub with water this past September and then “took a coat hanger and attempted to self-abort her pregnancy.” When she began bleeding, Yocca became concerned for her safety, and her boyfriend drove her to the hospital.
“The whole time she was concerned for her health, her safety and never gave any attention to the health and safety to the unborn child,” Sergeant Kyle Evans told local television station WTVF.
Doctors were able to save her baby, who was 24 weeks gestation or six months. However, the child suffered injuries to his lungs, eyes and heart during the attempted murder that will likely require medical attention for the rest of his life.
“Although Saint Thomas Midtown [Hospital] was able to save ‘Baby Yocca,’ they indicated to me that his quality of life will be forever harmed,” Detective Tommy Roberts told reporters.
He began investigating the situation while Yocca was hospitalized, and discovered that the woman had made “disturbing statements” to nurses in explaining that she had attempted to perform a self-abortion.
Yocca was indicted earlier this month by a grand jury for first degree attempted murder and is being held on $200,000 bond. She is set to appear in court on Dec. 21.
“It’s hard to imagine the mental state of a woman who would so viciously harm both herself and her child, whether it be at her own hands or at a government-funded facility like Planned Parenthood,” said Personhood USA spokesperson Jennifer Mason in a statement. “Laws must be changed to reflect the value and personhood rights of every child, at every age.”
Some have stated that women will go back to ending their child’s lives with coat hangers if abortion was made illegal. “Legal” abortions decriminalize the mother because her son or daughter was murdered by a professional and not by her own hands.
In an introductory lecture to his course on obstetrics in 1854, Philadelphia Dr. Hugh Lennox Hodge explained that if a woman were to come to a medical doctor in pursuit of an abortion, “he must, as it were, grasp the conscience of his weak and erring patient and let her know in language not to be misunderstood that she is responsible to her Creator for the life of the being within her.”
“So low, gentleman, is the moral sense of community on this subject. So ignorant are even the greater number of individuals, that even mothers in many instances shrink not at the commission of this crime, but will voluntarily destroy their own progeny, in violation of every natural sentiment, and in opposition to the laws of God and man,” he said.
“Perhaps there are few individuals in extensive practice as obstetricians who have not had frequent applications made to them by the fathers or mothers of unborn children (respectable and polite in their general appearance and manners), to destroy the fruit of illicit pleasure under the vain hope of preserving their reputation by this unnatural and guilty sacrifice.”
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