WASHINGTON – A newly-released report by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that the organization performed nearly 324,000 abortions in 2014—the latest figures on record, with business dropping by almost a million women from the year before.
The abortion giant releases the report each year to tout its achievements, which include services largely centering around sexual activity.
“We are at a critical moment in our history. Over the past several months, we have been tested in every way imaginable—and have emerged stronger than ever,” Planned Parenthood claimed in this year’s report. “Planned Parenthood’s resilient staff and clinicians are making a huge difference in the field of reproductive and sexual health care and in the cultural landscape at large.”
According to the online document, the organization performed 323,999 abortions nationwide during the 2014-2015 fiscal year, down from 327,653 the year prior. The figures also show that there were 2,024 adoption referrals, equating to 160 abortions for every adoption referral.
However, figures also show that the number of women visiting Planned Parenthood is the lowest in almost a decade. The report totals its services provided as being 9,455,582, with business being down by nearly a million persons from the year before, when figures totaled 10,590,333.
As it has been in previous years, Planned Parenthood’s largest focus was sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), as it tested and/or treated over four million people for sexual ailments, with over 3.5 million tests and 32 thousand men and women being treated for ailments contracted through sexual activity.
Second in line to STD’s was the provision of contraception, which included the performance of over 700 sterilization procedures on women and over 3,400 vasectomy operations on men nationwide. These surgeries render an individual infertile, unable to conceive children for life.
Over 2.9 million people were provided with contraceptives or other forms of birth control in 2014—from temporary to permanent, including over 900 thousand emergency contraception kits. This figure is down from 3.5 million the year before, and 3.7 million in 2012.
“Planned Parenthood believes that reproductive rights are deeply connected to LGBTQ rights and is proud to be a provider of health care and information for so many in the LGBTQ community,” the organization also stated in its report. “Planned Parenthood affiliates expanded access to hormone treatments for transgender patients, with 26 centers now offering this care…”
The organization received $553 million in taxpayer funding/grants in 2014, up from $528 million the year prior, which equated to 43 percent of its total income. $48 million of Planned Parenthood’s income was used for sex education, and $39 million was used for public policy, or to influence legislation, up from $33 million in 2013. Despite its expenditures, it still garnered a $61 million dollar profit.

As previously reported, Planned Parenthood was founded in 1921 by Margaret Sanger, which was originally known as the American Birth Control League. She later changed the name as some found it offensive.
“We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all,” Sanger once said, who was reportedly a staunch advocate of eugenics. “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Sanger was also the publisher of the newspaper “The Woman Rebel,” which she subtitled “No Gods, no masters.”
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