Lebanon (Mission Network News) — Imagine you are forced from your home by violent warfare and chased into a strange land. There, you live on next to nothing in a tent with your family struggling to make it day to day…searching for a reason to keep going…looking for hope.
Chances are you’ve heard this story before. It’s the story of countless Syrian and Iraqi refugees who have fled the brutality of ISIS and left everything behind.
“[Lebanon] really doesn’t have enough space for them and they really don’t have enough jobs for them. So there’s a lot of [refugees] living even in the cities, just trying to eke out a living. It’s very difficult for them, some of them get a little bit of siphon from the UN, but a lot of them are still at the mercy of Christians and compassionate people around the world,” says Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders.
Most Muslims have lost hope in their religion and their own god, says Klein.
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