![Photo Credit: Ozgur Sezer](https://christiannews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Baby-Credit-Ozgur-Sezer-compressed-300x225.jpg)
WASHINGTON — The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released its annual “abortion surveillance” report, showing that abortion rates are falling and are at their lowest in decades, but with at least 600,000 babies still losing their lives each year.
“A total of 664,435 abortions were reported to CDC for 2013,” the organization wrote, outlining the latest year on record.
The figure equates to 200 abortions for every 1,000 live births, and is down five percent from 2012, when 699,202 abortions were reported. It is also half of the rate in 1980 and the lowest since 1971, prior to the passing of Roe v. Wade.
The total reflects information provided from 47 states, plus the District of Columbia and New York City. As California, Maryland and New Hampshire are not included in the figures, some believe the abortion tally could be as high as 900,000.
The report also outlined that “women in their 20’s accounted for the majority of abortions and had the highest abortion rates.” The vast majority of women obtaining abortions—85.2%—were unmarried.
Most abortions were also within the first trimester, and “among the 43 reporting areas that included medical (nonsurgical) abortion on their reporting form, a total of 67.9% of abortions were performed by curettage at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; 22.2% were performed by early medical abortion (a nonsurgical abortion at ≤8 weeks’ gestation)…”
As previously reported, curettage, also known as a vacuum aspiration abortion, involves using a suction device to forcefully remove the unborn child from the uterus. As the baby is sometimes torn to pieces in the procedure, the abortionist will suction out any remaining body parts and scrape down the uterus with a curette.
The number of abortions in 2013 varied widely from state to state, with 72,727 abortions in Florida, 98,046 abortions in New York, 63,168 abortions in Texas and 40,750 abortions in Illinois, but 3,730 abortions in Arkansas, 2,170 abortions in Mississippi, 1,939 abortions in Maine and 1,375 abortions in Idaho.
Over 240,000 obtained an abortion for the first time, while over 100,000 ended the life of a child for the second time. Over 38,000 mothers were categorized as receiving more than three abortions.
496 women lost their lives in obtaining an abortion since 1973, the CDC’s chart shows.
Out of the 664,435 abortions in 2013 that were tallied by the CDC (not including figures from three states), as previously reported, 327,653 were performed by Planned Parenthood, which despite its claims, is considered the largest abortion provider in the nation.
323,999 babies were aborted by Planned Parenthood in 2014 according to the organization’s annual report.
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