DALLAS, Texas — A man in Texas who is in the midst of divorce and custody proceedings has been accused by his wife of being “emotionally abusive” for not affirming their son as a girl. The man says that his son chooses to present himself as a boy when away from his mother, who has been dressing him as a female for the past three years and calling him “Luna” instead of “James.”
Jeff Younger has six-year-old twin boys, James and Jude. When James was three, his mother, Anne Georgulas, began dressing him as a girl. She states in court documents that the child identifies as transgender, and has entered him into “psychological treatment.” Georgulas also enrolled him in school as a girl.
“Specifically, James is a gender expansive or transgender child, and by choice, now goes by the name Luna and is only known by [his] classmates as a girl,” legal proceedings state.
Friends of the Youngers, the Scotts, state that the therapy is wrongfully leading James up to chemical castration, and assert that the child prefers to dress and act like a boy when he is away from his mother. They outline on the website SaveJames.com that James loves pillow forts, campouts, plastic swords, superhero outfits and bow ties.
The Scott’s children play with James and Jude when they are on visitation.
“Tonight, these boys came over to our house for dinner and afterwards wrestled and played battleship and dressed up as superheroes, and every giggle was pure joy,” Sarah Scott wrote in a blog post on Saturday, sharing video footage of the playtime. “James took the lead and arm-wrestled, and then tackled my husband with all the boys in a huge pile up. It was noisy and crazy and exactly the way a group of boys has fun.”
“[James] is a normal, happy, healthy little boy—who deserves to be just that,” the Scotts state on their site.
However, Georgulas has claimed in court documents that James’ father is being “emotionally abusive” toward the child in treating him as a boy, which includes taking him to get his hair cut.
“[T]he father has engaged in emotionally abusive behavior toward the child (as example only, haircutting and other non-affirming actions),” an attorney for Georgulas wrote.
She asked that Younger be prevented from cutting James’ hair, as well as for an injunction prohibiting him “from engaging in non-affirming behavior and/or taking Luna outside the home as James, or allowing others to do so.” She further requested that if the father fails to affirm the boy as “Luna,” that the court either limit his consecutive overnight possession of the children or place it under supervision.
Georgulas additionally asked that Younger be required “to attend counseling and/or educational classes associated with being the parent of a transgender child or a potentially transgender child. Specifically, a class that educates father how his actions and non-affirming behavior could be harmful to the child’s emotional and well-being.”
The Dallas County District Court has ordered the parents to not discuss any gender identification with James “in an effort to persuade” him to “accept a gender designation,” but has also mandated that James not be dressed any differently for school than he has over the past year (as a girl). The court has also prohibited Younger and Georgulas from disclosing to any third party that the child is actually not the sex in which he is being presented.
The Scotts, who are Christians and have been blogging about the matter in hopes that others will support Younger in his fight, said that Younger lost his job over the matter due to an “anonymous” report that he is “abusing” his son.
“It sickens me that his right to free speech and ability to protect and father his sons has been restricted. I have seen first hand what an excellent father he is and how well he interacts with his boys. He is encouraging and supportive and gentle. I trust him with my children and am outraged that anyone would call his behavior towards his sons anything but exemplary,” wrote Sarah Scott.
A petition to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and others has been launched to request that those in authority in Texas protect James and all Texas children from those who would seek to have youth undergo “sex change” surgery. A fundraiser for Younger has also been created at GoGetFunding.
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