BETHESDA, Md. — A brochure for a late-term abortion facility in Maryland outlines that it offers “remembrance” services for mothers who end the life of their unborn child, including an opportunity to hold the baby or to have photographs taken of their deceased son or daughter.
“Many patients request a remembrance of their baby to take home with them,” the document for Leroy Carhart’s Wildwood Medical Center reads. “Every family approaches this experience with their own unique emotional, spiritual, and cultural background. There is no right or wrong way, just ‘your way.’
“Once the process of healing has begun, you may want to consider a token of the precious time with you and your baby had together,” it says.
The page outlines various services that are available, from viewing and/or holding the baby, to obtaining photographs or fingerprints as to remember their child. Spiritual and ceremonial accommodations are also available, as well as a remembrance certificate.
Carhart recently made headlines after he told a reporter with the BBC that he has no problem acknowledging that he is killing a baby.
“To the fetus, it makes no difference whether it’s born or not born,” he said during his interview with Hilary Andersson. “The baby has no input in this, as far as I’m concerned.”
Andersson, taken aback that Carhart used the word “baby,” noted that most abortionists rather use the term “fetus” because they don’t want to recognize the personhood of the child who is to be murdered.
“I think that it is a baby, and I use it with the patients,” Carhart replied without hesitation.
“And you don’t have a problem with killing a baby?” Andersson inquired.
“Absolutely not,” Carhart responded. “I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus.”
According to reports, at another point during the interview, Carhart showed Andersson the instruments used in second trimester abortions and described crushing the baby’s skull in removing the child from the womb. His vivid word picture again surprised Andersson.
“]Y]ou’ve got to remember that this baby’s been dead for 48 hours. It’s not like we’re crushing a living skull,” Carhart remarked.
Abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy in Maryland. Carhart declined to say during the interview at what gestational mark he would be uncomfortable performing an abortion.
As previously reported, in 2017, Carhart was captured during an undercover investigation likening the lifeless and “mushy” bodies of aborted babies to “meat in a crock pot.”
“So, what makes the baby ‘mushy?’” the woman, who posed as an abortion-minded mother, asked. “The fact that it’s not alive for 2 to 3 days,” Carhart responded.
“Oh, so I’ll have a dead baby in me?” the woman inquired. “For three days, yeah,” Carhart said.
“Will it start to decay or something?” the woman asked. “No,” Carhart said. “It’s like putting meat in a crock pot. Okay? It doesn’t get broken. It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected.”
“Okay, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot,” the woman repeated. “Pretty much,” Carhart replied. “Kinda much.”
Carhart claims to “strongly” believe in God and previously attended a Methodist church. His facility is affiliated with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, which is comprised of clergy members who pray for God’s “blessings” upon abortion facilities.
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