(Open Doors USA) — In today’s 21st-century Iran, the church is increasingly under intensifying persecution from both society and the state, as Christianity— and anyone involved in spreading it — is seen as a threat to the Republic’s Islamic identity. But like the early church of Acts that expanded exponentially in the face of persecution, the persecuted church of Iran is also multiplying and experiencing explosive growth. The story of former house church leader Wahid shows why. …
“My father rejected me, and I was also denied a job because I didn’t want to sign a form stating I was a Muslim.”
Persecution grew worse when Wahid started attending an underground church and later even became a leader in it.
“One day when I went to church, I got a threatening call from the government. After that, I always had a sense of being followed, and my phone tapped. Not an unusual thing in Iran.”
Tensions rose, and for a whole year the house church even decided to split up into small groups of two or three people to avoid government attention. But it didn’t help. On a day when 25 believers had gathered, the security forces entered the house, shouting, cursing and filming everything.
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