Kenya (Mission Network News) — Kenya is largely Christian, but many believers don’t have access to Bibles. And even if they do, not all of them can read. Approximately 22 percent of Kenyans are illiterate.
That makes solar-powered audio Bibles invaluable since people can listen to God’s Word in their heart language. Kenya Hope sends teams to distribute solar-powered audio Bibles, and Joy Mueller with Kenya Hope says it’s very emotional.
“When we go into the villages, we give out hundreds of Bibles. And you know what? We’re driving away every time with people still saying, ‘I didn’t get one! Where is mine?’ There are just literally thousands of people who don’t have God’s Word.”
Each of Kenya Hope’s audio Bibles is about the size of a cell phone, making it very portable. On the back, a solar panel powers the device without the need for electricity. And each audio Bible is pre-loaded with Scripture in the community’s heart language.
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