4 Teens and Preteen Accused of Beating Homeless Man to Death in Camden

(NBC Philadelphia) Months after the arrests of two teenagers, two more teens and a preteen have been charged with beating a homeless man to death in Camden, New Jersey, over the summer.

Police announced Tuesday that a 12-year-old, 13-year-old and 14-year-old were all charged in the death of Bobby Hill Jr., 63.

On June 25, shortly after midnight, police responded to the 1100 block of Kaighn Avenue in Camden for a report of an unresponsive man in an alleyway. When they arrived they found Hill, who was homeless, suffering from multiple injuries to the head.

In his book “The Duties of Parents,” the late preacher J.C. Ryle exhorted, “Never listen to those who tell you your children are good, and well brought up, and can be trusted. Rather, remember that their hearts are always ready to burst into flame like dry tinder. At their very best, they only need a spark to ignite their evil. Parents are seldom too cautious. Remember the natural depravity of your children, and be careful.”

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