RALEIGH, N.C. – Researchers have confirmed that biomaterial discovered on an ancient fossil is in fact preserved dinosaur blood, astonishing evolutionists who continue to believe the fossil is 80 million years old. Over the past decade, scientists have unearthed a number of dinosaur fossils with preserved blood vessels and soft tissue. Many evolutionists initially treated […]
Continue reading …SEATTLE – An evolution-promoting author has released an illustrated children’s book, titled “Grandmother Fish,” that uses whimsical text and drawings to convince preschoolers that they are the products of evolution and the descendants of animals. “Grandmother Fish: a child’s first book of Evolution” is a 40-page children’s book written by Jonathan Tweet. The book begins […]
Continue reading …NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – A NASA spacecraft has discovered what appear to be ice-spewing volcanoes on the surface of Pluto, puzzling scientists who believed the distant world was old, dead, and dormant. Last week, scientists at an American Astronomical Society meeting in National Harbor, Maryland, announced new findings from NASA’s “New Horizons” spacecraft, which flew […]
Continue reading …The unexpected discovery of oxygen around a distant comet has shocked secular astronomers and challenges the current evolutionary models for the universe’s origins. In 2004, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the “Rosetta” spacecraft to rendezvous with a comet. “Rosetta” arrived at Comet 67P last year and has since been orbiting the comet and relaying […]
Continue reading …JERUSALEM – A 3,000-year-old seal discovered on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount likely dates back to the times of David and Solomon and confirms the credibility of the Bible’s historical record. Since 2004, the Temple Mount Sifting Project has combed through tons of soil that was illegally removed from the Temple Mount by an Islamic group in […]
Continue reading …A well-known Christian apologist has spoken out about the “evolutionary indoctrination” in Disney-Pixar’s latest animated film, saying parents should be aware of the unbiblical presuppositions permeating the movie. Ken Ham, president of Christian apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis-USA, has expressed concern about Disney-Pixar’s latest film, “The Good Dinosaur.” In a blog post last week, Ham […]
Continue reading …NASHVILLE – Nearly half of atheists, agnostics, and those with no religious preference in the U.S. see evidence in the universe for a creator, according to just-released polling data from a major research organization. LifeWay Research is a Nashville-based polling group that frequently surveys Americans on matters of faith and culture. The group’s latest report, […]
Continue reading …ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – An experienced archaeologist who has spent a decade searching for the ancient ruins of Sodom is now confident that his team has located the ill-fated biblical city and evidence of its sudden destruction. Dr. Steven Collins is a distinguished professor of Archaeology at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque and is also dean […]
Continue reading …Is Noah’s Ark still hiding somewhere today, waiting to be discovered? A documentary coming to theaters nationwide next week explores the ongoing search for the world’s most famous vessel and documents the dangers involved in the centuries-old quest. According to the Bible, Noah constructed an enormous wooden ark to house his family and representatives of […]
Continue reading …PLANO, Texas – The manufacturers of Doritos potato chips say they have “had an amazing response” to their homosexuality-celebrating Doritos Rainbows chips, but some consumers have promised to never buy Doritos products again because of the company’s support of sin. The Doritos brand, a subsidiary of Frito-Lay, Inc., has announced in a press release that their company […]
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