Stanford, California — One of the most well-known research universities in America is now utilizing an atheist chaplain to counsel unbelieving students on campus. Stanford University has added 28-year-old John Figdor to its Office of Religious Life, joining 17 other chaplains and individuals that reach out to students of various faiths. According to reports, Figdor’s […]
Continue reading …Barack Obama is endorsing efforts in Illinois to legalize homosexual marriage, according to a White House spokesman. While it is rare for presidents to weigh in on individual state matters, Obama, who formerly served as a senator in Illinois, has voiced his support of plans to propose a law this week in the state legislature. […]
Continue reading …As the year comes to a close, many like to reflect on the significant stories that shaped the past twelve months. A number of major events affected Christians throughout 2012, from the increasing persecution of believers nationwide, to the atheistic war to eradicate God from government and society, to the fight in the courts over […]
Continue reading …Chicago, Illinois — A Democratic state representative from Illinois recently told a group of ministers that he believes they need to work to get prayer back in school. Representative LaShawn Ford made the statement in light of the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. “I also urge the ministers here to fight […]
Continue reading …Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — The popular craft chain Hobby Lobby has decided that it will defy the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare when the requirement goes into effect on January 1st, and risk millions in fines while its case moves forward in the courts. The company announced its decision through a statement issued by its […]
Continue reading …Scientists will be researching the DNA of Newtown, Connecticut gunman Adam Lanza in search of a gene that might indicate that certain individuals have a propensity to commit evil, reports state. Connecticut medical examiner H. Wayne Carver, who performed the autopsies of Lanza’s victims, has ordered a review of the killer’s DNA to see if […]
Continue reading …Portland, Maine — Following its approval last month from voters, the state of Maine has officially begun to issue homosexual “marriage” licenses, and is now also recognizing same-sex “marriages” in other states as attested to by new residents. In Portland, city hall opened its doors at midnight to allow homosexuals to obtain the licenses as […]
Continue reading …Portland, Maine — A restaurant owner in Maine is using free food as part of a devised plan to assemble area residents in protest against a number of pro-life women that minister to abortion-minded mothers outside of the local Planned Parenthood. Mike Fink of Mike’s Restaurant in Portland states that he is staging a protest […]
Continue reading …New York, New York — During an interview Monday night with Rick Warren, megachurch pastor of Saddleback Church in California and author of the best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life, CNN talk show host Piers Morgan asserted that the Bible is flawed and needs to be amended. Morgan, whose broadcast Piers Morgan Tonight replaced Larry […]
Continue reading …Washington, D.C. — The United States Supreme Court has refused to grant the popular craft chain Hobby Lobby an emergency injunction against Obamacare’s abortion pill mandate, requiring the company to comply at least temporarily while its case moves forward. The court handed down its decision yesterday, written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor. It stated that it […]
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