JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – A court in Sudan has fined seven church leaders fighting a takeover of their school in Omdurman for “objection to authorities,” a church leader said. The court yesterday (Feb. 5) found Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) elder Yohanna Tia guilty under articles 182/183 for objection to authorities and […]
Continue reading …(Morning Star News) – In a village in eastern Uganda, it took no more than a day for Munabi Abudallah to lose his wife and seven children after putting his faith in Christ. “The Muslims are searching to kill me,” Abudallah, 37, told Morning Star News by phone. “My family members have deserted me. I […]
Continue reading …KANO, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – A Christian woman and her adult daughter face kidnapping charges filed to pressure them into following the family patriarch’s conversion to Islam, sources said. Amina Isa, 40, of Kano state’s Gidan Kuran village in Tudun Wada Local Government Area, told Morning Star News that her husband left Christianity to […]
Continue reading …(Morning Star News) – A former sheikh (Islamic teacher) in eastern Uganda has been in hiding since he lost his family for putting his faith in Christ two years ago, but last month he was tricked into a life-threatening encounter. Mulangira Ibrahim, 27, was on his way to his pastor’s house after a church service […]
Continue reading …HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – For 12 years, Mahendra Nagdeve had met with friends and relatives in his house in Madhya Pradesh state, India to worship Christ until he received this notice from city officials this month: “With effect from the moment you receive this notice, you must not conduct any Christian congregational activity,” the notice […]
Continue reading …HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Six Christians facing false charges, two of them beaten by police, were jailed for a month for praying for a sick woman in eastern India, they said. After tribal Gondi villagers in Simdega District, Jharkhand state, attacked the Christians on Sept. 16, officers at the local police station refused to listen […]
Continue reading …HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Weeks after a pastor led a southern village’s first five families to faith in Christ, masked men on motorbikes intercepted him on his way home from worship and tried to kill him. Pastor Banothu Sevya, 26, was in a coma for 48 hours after the drunken Hindu extremists beat him in […]
Continue reading …NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Officials and police in Tamil Nadu state, India have ordered 10 churches to discontinue worship services, sources said. Hindu extremists compelled state officials and police to issue orders to the churches in Coimbatore District to stop worship unless they obtain permission from the collector’s office, and the extremists intend to […]
Continue reading …HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – A pastor in Uttar Pradesh, India has lost hearing in one ear after Hindu extremists tortured him, pressured police to falsely charge him and prevented doctors from treating him, sources said. Pastor Abhay Sagar, 37, of Biswan town in Sitapur District in the northern state, was about to begin preaching on Sept. […]
Continue reading …(Morning Star News) – The young man did not answer after his father asked him if he had ditched Islam to become a Christian. Magale (also called Mabala) Hamidu, 20, of Nanoko village in eastern Uganda, had become a Christian seven months before. He had been failing to attend mosque prayers, and his father had […]
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