A global report released by the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute estimates that every one in four pregnancies ends in abortion. “Some 25% of pregnancies ended in abortion in 2010–14,” the report, published in The Lancet, outlines. “Because of population growth, the annual number of abortions worldwide increased by 5.9 million from 50.4 million in […]
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama has become the fifth state to ban dilation and extraction abortions (D&E), also known as dismemberment abortions, while leaving other forms of killing unborn children legal. S.B. 363 passed the House of Representatives 74-26 last week and the Senate 30-21 last month, and was signed into law on Thursday by Gov. Robert […]
JACKSON, Miss. — The Republican governor of Mississippi has signed a bill cutting the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as well as the state’s sole surgical abortion facility, from its Medicaid program. “Happy to sign Senate Bill 2238. Taxpayer dollars should not fund abortions,” Tweeted Gov. Phil Bryant on Tuesday. The bill had been sponsored by Sen. […]
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Oklahoma has become the next state to cut the abortion giant Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid program, as officials revealed this week that its contract with Planned Parenthood will end in June. As previously reported, last November, Gov. Mary Fallin sent a letter to the state’s Health Care Authority Board to call […]
BATON ROUGE, La. — The Louisiana House of Representatives has approved a bill banning dilation and extraction abortions (D&E) and well as a measure that would prohibit killing babies with Downs Syndrome or other survivable conditions, while leaving other reasons for abortion legal. H.B. 1081, also known as the “Louisiana Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion […]
CHICAGO — Life begins with a “flash of light” or “fireworks,” scientists at a university in Illinois have announced in releasing a written study and video that captures what occurs at the moment of human conception. Northwestern University in Chicago recently announced the find in a study outlined in Scientific Reports. “It was remarkable,” said Teresa […]
BOULDER, Co. — A mother who obtained an abortion in 2013 after learning that her child had “cerebral abnormalities” has filed a negligence lawsuit against the abortionist for leaving a piece of the baby’s skull inside her womb which resulted in a total hysterectomy—leaving her unable to bear children for the rest of her life. Jennifer […]
WARSAW — A pro-life group in Poland is collecting signatures for a citizen’s bill that would ban all abortion in the nation without exceptions. The move, led by Fundacja Pro (Pro Foundation), was sparked by outrage over a recent botched abortion at Holy Family Hospital in Warsaw in which the 24-week child, who had been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, […]
(Open Doors USA) — On March 19, Workitu’s husband and a neighbor demanded that she sell government drought relief aid she had collected earlier for her familiy. When she refused, they began to beat her. They continued attacking her even after she had collapsed. Villagers took Workitu to a clinic in a nearby town, but […]
JACKSON, Miss. — The Republican governor of Mississippi has signed into law a bill that makes it illegal for abortionists to perform dilation and evacuation abortions (D&E) in the state, also known as dismemberment abortions. “We’re making Mississippi the safest place in America for an unborn child,” Gov. Phil Bryant said in a statement on […]