TORONTO — A suspected serial killer from Canada who was arrested last month and charged with the first-degree murder of five men with whom he had a sexual relationship allegedly had another man tied up at the time of his arrest, reports state. Bruce McArthur, 66, of Toronto is accused of killing the men and hiding their remains […]
HELENA, Mont. — The American Civil Liberties Union of Montana (ACLU) and the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights have filed a lawsuit to challenge a Montana law that prohibits advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) from providing abortions. “In a state as large and sparsely populated as Montana, it’s common sense to expand access to safe abortion […]
BROOKLYN, N.Y. — A federal judge in New York cast doubt on Monday on the assertions of the state’s attorney general, who had sued a number of pro-lifers for allegedly “harassing” abortion-minded mothers outside of Choices Women’s Medical Center in Jamaica. “[The defendants and their attorneys] have got to know clearly what harassment means,” U.S. District Judge […]
ORLANDO, Fla. — A female student in Florida who identifies as a male has filed a lawsuit along with her parents in an effort to obtain access to the boys’ restroom and locker room facilities. The 15-year-old, who is only being identified as John Doe in the legal challenge, has suffered from gender dysphoria since […]
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — A Tennessee chapter of one of the most conspicuous professing atheist groups in the nation has decided not to persist in its complaint against a music teacher at a public elementary school who played Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” during the morning announcements. “FFRF-ETC is not going to continue to pursue this issue,” Aleta Ledendecker […]
CHATHAM, N.J. — A mother in New Jersey has filed suit against her son’s school district, principal and several social studies teachers after one of his homework assignments for his seventh grade World Cultures and Geography class included watching two specific Islamic-themed videos that she found to be coercive propaganda. Libby Hilsenrath and her son, who […]
WASHINGTON — Two Democratic congressmen have again introduced “Darwin Day” resolutions in the House and Senate in an effort to commemorate the birthday of the controversial “father of evolution.” Rep. James Himes and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, both of Connecticut, submitted the resolutions, which would recognize Feb. 12 as a day to celebrate the life of Charles […]
LONDON (Reuters) — Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Saturday that he would campaign for a liberalization of the country’s restrictive abortion laws ahead of a referendum in the coming months, adding that his views on the issue had evolved. Varadkar’s government plans to hold the referendum as soon as May to loosen some of […]
ELGIN, Ill. — “Do you know what your children are being taught: Muslims believe in the same God as Christians and Jews?” That’s the question a school board member in Illinois recently posted online after her daughter came home with an assignment that included an article claiming that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. […]
IOWA CITY, Iowa — A federal judge appointed to the bench by then-President Barack Obama has issued a temporary injunction in favor of a Christian group at the University of Iowa that had been de-recognized for not allowing a student to serve in a leadership position because he refused to adhere to the group’s biblical beliefs […]