Sudanese Police Arrest Church Leaders for Refusing to Surrender Church Property

Sudanese Police Arrest Church Leaders for Refusing to Surrender Church Property

JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Police and security personnel today dispersed a congregation keeping vigil over its disputed property in North Khartoum, Sudan, and arrested five church leaders, sources said. Authorities arrived at noon at the compound of the Khartoum Bahri Evangelical Church, where last week they demolished a pastor’s house and church wall, […]

Bangladesh Pastors Charged With ‘Hurting Religious Sentiments’ for Preaching Christ to Muslims

Bangladesh Pastors Charged With ‘Hurting Religious Sentiments’ for Preaching Christ to Muslims

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Two Bangladesh pastors have been charged with “hurting religious sentiments” and could face two years behind bars after they were arrested during a house church service. Arif Mondol leads the Faith Bible Church of God in Lalmonirhat, and meets with 30-40 area Christians on a regular basis. Earlier this month, as he and a […]

Tensions High as Sudanese Church Strives to Fend Off Further Demolition

Tensions High as Sudanese Church Strives to Fend Off Further Demolition

NORTH KHARTOUM, Sudan (Morning Star News) – As churchwomen wailed and young men shouted that they were prepared to die to prevent further demolition, hundreds of Christians in North Khartoum blocked authorities’ attempts to destroy buildings on their compound this week. After a bulldozer accompanied by security personnel and police knocked down a wall of […]

Beijing Authorities Shut Down School Attended by Christian Orphans

Beijing Authorities Shut Down School Attended by Christian Orphans

BEIJING, China— A boarding school for orphans in Beijing was shut down during the Chinese National holiday in early October when officials refused to issue a certificate for passing the annual inspection for what teachers claim are religious reasons. Ms. Yu, a teacher at the faith-based Angel Orphanage, said that the school’s leaders were forced […]

50 Arrested After Muslim Mob Throws Christian Couple Into Fire, Burning Them to Ashes

50 Arrested After Muslim Mob Throws Christian Couple Into Fire, Burning Them to Ashes

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Fifty Muslims were arrested last week in Pakistan for being involved in a 1,000-member mob that beat a Christian couple and then threw them into the fire over accusations that they had desecrated the Koran. Shama Bibi, 28, and Shahzad Masih, 32, lost their lives on Tuesday being burnt to ashes after […]

North Korea Suddenly Frees American Missionary Sentenced to Hard Labor in Country

North Korea Suddenly Frees American Missionary Sentenced to Hard Labor in Country

PYONGYANG — An American missionary sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in North Korea has been suddenly set free by North Korean officials and is on his way back to the United States, government representatives confirm. As previously reported, Kenneth Bae, who operates a tourist company in Washington state, was arrested not far from the […]

Chinese Government Threatens to Auction Detained Pastor’s Home, Leaving Family Homeless

Chinese Government Threatens to Auction Detained Pastor’s Home, Leaving Family Homeless

Nanle County, Henan — When Nanle County Christian Church pastor, Zhang Shaojie, was sentenced for his fabricated crimes of “gathering a crowd to disrupt public order” and fraud, he was ordered to pay a fine of 700,000 yuan (US $114,000) in addition to serving 12 years in prison. Thursday night, the Nanle County government issued […]

Baptist Pastor in Argentina Narrowly Escapes Assassination

Baptist Pastor in Argentina Narrowly Escapes Assassination

COCHABAMBA, Bolivia (Morning Star News) – A local church reaches out to victims of substance abuse, opens a shelter for battered women and works to rescue minors from prostitution and sex trafficking. In most places in the Americas, such compassionate community service wins admiration and respect, sometimes even an award from the mayor’s office. In Rio […]

Little Girl Screaming ‘Shut Up’ at Street Preacher in ‘Witch City’ Goes Viral

SALEM, Mass. – A video showing a little girl with pigtails screaming at a street preacher to ‘shut up’ as she relentlessly mocked him and his message of redemption through Jesus Christ has gone viral. The video posted on Live Leak, which has been viewed more than 250,000 times, shows a child approaching a man […]

Bans on Christian Activity in Indian State Escalating Into Violence Against Believers

Bans on Christian Activity in Indian State Escalating Into Violence Against Believers

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Attacks on Christians in Chhattisgarh state have raised suspicion that local officials are collaborating with Hindu extremists, church leaders said. Local officials on Saturday summoned area Christians to a meeting in Madota village, Bastar District, on the pretext of resolving conflict over bans in the district on missionaries and non-Hindu […]