WAIPARA — A report published in the Australasian Journal of Paleontology announces the discovery of a large leg bones attributed to a species of penguins that stood five feet tall. While researchers state that the find helps to shed light on the evolution of penguins, Christians note that the penguins are still penguins and there […]
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Televangelist Pat Robertson again refuted that the Earth was created in six literal days in answering a question from a viewer on Tuesday’s “700 Club” broadcast. The viewer, named Julie, had asked Robertson if he believes that the earth is billions of years old, and if so, how that would square […]
JERUSALEM — Archaeologists conducting a dig in Israel have uncovered artifacts and evidence confirming the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem as chronicled in the Old Testament of the Bible. “It is very exciting to be able to excavate the material signature of any given historical event, and even more so regarding an important historical event such […]
A study into the DNA of the Komodo dragon claims to provide insight into the “positive selection” adaptive evolution of the unique monitor lizard with a metabolism similar to that of mammals. Christian researchers, however, state that the study doesn’t point to evolution at all, but rather demonstrates the handiwork of the Creator. The study […]
HEBRON — Large fortifications dating to the time of the biblical king David have been found below an archaeological dig site already thought to be Gath, the hometown of the giant Philistine Goliath. The walls, made of 3-6 foot stone blocks and large burnt bricks, were found at Tell es-Safi, a hill dig site not far […]
(BioEdge) — In a stunning example of evading ethical controversy by exporting it, Spanish and American researchers have created monkey-human chimeras in China. The hybrid embryos will be destroyed after they develop a central nervous system and will not be brought to term. The experiment is ethically risky. What if the human stem cells develop […]
(The College Fix) — David Gelernter, a famed Yale University professor, has publicly renounced his belief in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, calling it a “beautiful idea” that has been effectively disproven. Gelernter, who is known for predicting the World Wide Web and has developed many complex computing tools over the years, is today a […]
TAMPA, Fla. — During the recent Convention of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS), delegates approved a resolution reaffirming the synod’s belief in a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis, including that God created the heavens and earth in six days. The text of Resolution 5-09A reflects positions outlined in existing documents, such as […]
(The Times of Israel) — Seven stunning large basalt stairs recently excavated at Tel Hazor give new indication of the ancient grandeur of the Canaanite kingdom 3,500 years ago, that according to biblical text was conquered by the Israelites and razed to the ground. As depicted in Joshua 11:10, Hazor was the “head” of the […]
(Fox News) — Archaeologists in Israel’s Golan Heights have discovered an ancient city gate from the time of King David. The find was made during an excavation at the ancient city of Bethsaida. “There are not too many monumental discoveries dating from the reign of King David,” Rami Arav, associate professor at the University of […]