Chinese Authorities Continue Cross Demolitions

Chinese Authorities Continue Cross Demolitions

ZHEJIANG, China (China Aid) — As a result of an ongoing “beautification” campaign across China’s coastal Zhejiang province, four more church crosses were demolished by authorities on Thursday and Friday of last week. Dajing Christian Church and Bailuyu Christian Church both lost their crosses on Thursday evening, and two other crosses, those of Dongyu Church […]

Canadian Committee Recommends Requiring Doctors Opposed to Euthanasia to Provide Referrals

Canadian Committee Recommends Requiring Doctors Opposed to Euthanasia to Provide Referrals

Pro-life groups in Canada are expressing concern after a parliamentary committee recently recommended that doctors who have objections to assisted suicide provide patients who seek to end their lives referrals to other physicians who are willing to provide euthanasia services. As previously reported, last February, the Canadian Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a law providing criminal […]

Syrian Women Secretly Film Inside ISIS Stronghold

Syrian Women Secretly Film Inside ISIS Stronghold

(CNN) — Two Syrian women took a hidden camera through the northern Syrian city of Raqqa to document their life under ISIS rule, knowing they faced execution should they be discovered, according to CNN Swedish affiliate Expressen TV, which commissioned the video. Fully covered and wearing face veils, they shop, take a taxi and walk […]

U.K. Magistrate Removed From Office Over ‘Biased’ Comments Against Same-Sex Adoption

U.K. Magistrate Removed From Office Over ‘Biased’ Comments Against Same-Sex Adoption

KENT, U.K. — A magistrate in the United Kingdom was removed from office on Thursday over comments he made last year expressing that it is best for adoptive children to be placed with a mother and father. Richard Page, who identifies as a Christian, had been a judge for 15 years and sat on the Family Panel […]

Refugees Encounter Christ in Greece

Refugees Encounter Christ in Greece

Greece (Mission Network News) — Christian Aid Mission reports that while the European Union reached an agreement with Turkey this week to stem the tide of Syrian and other refugees to Greece and other EU countries, refugees continued to pour onto the Greek islands–or die trying. At least 25 refugees perished when their Greece-bound dinghy […]

U.K. Sees Rise in Children Receiving Treatment for Gender Confusion

U.K. Sees Rise in Children Receiving Treatment for Gender Confusion

LONDON (Christian Concern) — The number of children being given medical treatment for ‘gender confusion’ has risen 1,000 percent over the past five years. The NHS’s Gender Identity Disorder Service treated 1,013 children, between April and December last year, a freedom of information request by The Sun revealed. In 2010, just 97 cases were recorded. […]