Islamic Militant Leader Vows to Continue Attacks Against Nigerian Christians: ‘We Should Mutilate’

Islamic Militant Leader Vows to Continue Attacks Against Nigerian Christians: ‘We Should Mutilate’

NIGERIA – In a video released on Saturday, the leader of an Islamic terrorist group vowed to attack Christians and threatened to mutilate and decapitate victims. Abubakar Shekau is the leader of Nigeria’s Boko Haram, a group that seeks to force Sharia law upon Nigerians. For several years, Boko Haram jihadists have wreaked havoc in […]

Canadian Supreme Court Unanimously Strikes Down Ban on Prostitution

Canadian Supreme Court Unanimously Strikes Down Ban on Prostitution

OTTAWA, Canada – Canada’s Supreme Court unanimously struck down the nation’s previously-existing anti-prostitution laws on Friday, ruling that such laws violated the guarantee to life and liberty. Prior to the ruling, Canadian laws banned brothels, living on the avails of prostitution, and public prostitution solicitation. However, in a 9-0 decision, the court struck down all […]

Indian Supreme Court Reinstates Ban on Homosexual Acts for Going ‘Against the Order of Nature’

NEW DEHLI – The Supreme Court of India has officially banned homosexual acts, saying such actions go “against the order of nature.” On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of India reinstated Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which dates back to 1861. The law states that sexual actions “against the order of nature … shall […]

Bible Translator Shot to Death While Trying to Protect Family in War-Torn Central African Republic

Bible Translator Shot to Death While Trying to Protect Family in War-Torn Central African Republic

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC – A Wycliffe Bible translator was gunned down last week during a deadly spate of violence in the Central African Republic. Elisee Zama was working with ACATBA (Association Centrafricaine pour la Traduction de la Bible et l’Alphabétisation), which is Wycliffe’s ministry partner in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.). As a part of […]

Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Testifies to Congress: ‘I Fear He Will Be Left to Die’

Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Testifies to Congress: ‘I Fear He Will Be Left to Die’

WASHINGTON — The wife of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran testified before a Congressional panel on Thursday, pleading for government intervention as she expressed her fears surrounding her husband’s plight. “My husband is suffering because he is a Christian. He is suffering because he is an American,” Naghmeh Abedini told the House Foreign Affairs […]

Thousands of Christians Flee Violence in Central African Republic

Thousands of Christians Flee Violence in Central African Republic

BANGUI — Thousands of Christians have sought refuge at the Central African Republic’s (CAR) airport, fleeing violence from mostly Muslim ex-rebels. The French military, which controls the Bangui airport, guarded the area as the Christians sought safety from Seleka soldiers with machetes and guns. The UN Security Council had passed a motion last week to allow […]

Report: American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Robbed, Threatened at Knifepoint

Report: American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Robbed, Threatened at Knifepoint

An American pastor imprisoned in Iran has repeatedly been robbed and threatened at knifepoint since being relocated to a new and more dangerous prison, reports state. As previously reported, Pastor Saeed Abedini of Idaho, a former Muslim, left Iran in 2005 and moved to the United States with his wife and children to find religious […]

Israeli President Expresses Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Israeli President Expresses Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

JERUSALEM – The president of Israel recently expressed support for homosexual ‘marriage’ as a controversial tax break for homosexual parents stalls in Israeli’s legislature. Shimon Peres has held numerous positions in the Israeli government, including Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister. Since 2007, Peres, who is now 90 years old, has served as Israel’s […]