Trump on Abortion: ‘The Laws Are Set and I Think We Have to Leave It That Way’

Trump on Abortion: ‘The Laws Are Set and I Think We Have to Leave It That Way’

View More: Live News|More News Videos Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told CBS News this week following controversy over his remarks about abortion that “at this moment, the laws are set, and I think we have to leave it that way.” Trump was interviewed on Friday for “Face the Nation” with John Dickerson, which is […]

Cruz in Response to Trump Comments on Abortion: Don’t Punish Mothers for Killing Babies

Cruz in Response to Trump Comments on Abortion: Don’t Punish Mothers for Killing Babies

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says that abortion-minded mothers shouldn’t be charged for killing their unborn children in response to comments from Donald Trump that they should face “some form of punishment”—a remark Trump later recanted. Trump had been interviewed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews during a town hall event on Wednesday. “Do you believe in punishment for […]

Jerry Falwell Jr. Compares Donald Trump to King David, Talks About Watching Elton John Together on Private Jet

Jerry Falwell Jr. Compares Donald Trump to King David, Talks About Watching Elton John Together on Private Jet

With presidential campaigning in full force, Jerry Falwell Jr., president of what heralds itself as the world’s largest Christian university, is defending and cozying up to the lead contender on the Republican ticket, recently recalling to the university newspaper how he and Trump watched an Elton John concert together on the billionaire’s private jet—a man whose sins he […]

Carson’s Campaign Chairman Compares Opposition to Trump Endorsement to Cries to Crucify Jesus

Carson’s Campaign Chairman Compares Opposition to Trump Endorsement to Cries to Crucify Jesus

In a statement posted to former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s social media pages, campaign director Bob Dees compared those who have expressed opposition to Carson’s endorsement of Donald Trump to those who turned on Jesus and called for His crucifixion. “[M]any of you sent strong messages of support for today’s endorsement, while many others […]

Vandals Charged for Spray-Painting ‘Trump’ Among Hate Slurs, Vulgar Imagery in University Chapel

Vandals Charged for Spray-Painting ‘Trump’ Among Hate Slurs, Vulgar Imagery in University Chapel

CHICAGO — Two Chicago-area university students are facing criminal charges after they allegedly spray-painted the campus chapel with offensive hate slurs and vulgar imagery on the walls, along with the word “Trump.” Freshmen Anthony Morales, 19, and Matthew Kafker, 18, are accused of entering Northwestern University’s Alice Millar Chapel on Thursday night and vandalizing the […]

‘Pathological’ Ben Carson Endorses Trump: ‘There Is a Lot More Alignment Spiritually Than I Thought’

‘Pathological’ Ben Carson Endorses Trump: ‘There Is a Lot More Alignment Spiritually Than I Thought’

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, a Seventh-Day Adventist who Donald Trump once attacked as “pathological” and “low energy,” endorsed the Presbyterian-identifying billionaire business mogul on Friday morning. “I have found in talking with [Donald Trump] that … there is a lot more alignment philosophically and spiritually than I ever thought […]

Trump Belittles Reporter Concerned About Profanity Use: ‘You’ve Never Heard Bad Language’

Trump Belittles Reporter Concerned About Profanity Use: ‘You’ve Never Heard Bad Language’

JUPITER, Fla. — During a press conference on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump belittled a reporter who expressed concern about his use of profanity on the campaign trail, especially around children. NBC’s Peter Alexander asked Trump about a new television advertisement by the American Future Fund Political Action Committee that highlights the candidate’s repeated use […]

‘They Dig Each Other’: Donald Trump ‘Celebrated’ Elton John’s Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

‘They Dig Each Other’: Donald Trump ‘Celebrated’ Elton John’s Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wrote in celebration of the same-sex “marriage” of famed pop singer Elton John in 2005, a link to his Trump University website shows. “There’s a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton John married his long-time partner David Furnish on December 21,” Trump wrote on December 22, 2005 (click here […]

Trump Tells Crowd to Raise Right Hands to ‘Swear’ to Unknown Pledge…And They Do It

Trump Tells Crowd to Raise Right Hands to ‘Swear’ to Unknown Pledge…And They Do It

ORLANDO, Fla. — A crowd gathered to rally in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump raised their right hands and engaged in a swearing with Trump without foreknowing what they were about to pledge. “Let’s do a pledge. Who likes me in this room?” Trump the crowd during a Saturday rally in Orlando. “I’ve […]

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