Doors Opening for Distribution of Gospel Booklets in Muslim Countries

Doors Opening for Distribution of Gospel Booklets in Muslim Countries

(Mission Network News) — Doors of opportunity are opening for World Missionary Press (WMP) to send Scripture booklets into Muslim-majority areas. In the past, it hasn’t been safe to send booklets to contacts for distribution among the people. However, contacts in Kazakhstan, Northern Nigeria, Senegal, and other areas are now giving WMP the green light […]

New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill, Gov. Phil Murphy Plans to Sign Into Law

New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill, Gov. Phil Murphy Plans to Sign Into Law

TRENTON, N.J. — Lawmakers in New Jersey have passed legislation that would allow terminally ill patients to request a lethal prescription to hasten their death. Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy says that he intends to sign the measure into law. The state Assembly passed S.1072, also known as the “Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill […]

Bible Returns to POW/MIA Table at Veterans Hospital After Initial Removal Due to Complaint

Bible Returns to POW/MIA Table at Veterans Hospital After Initial Removal Due to Complaint

MANCHESTER, N.H. — A Bible has been returned to a Missing Man table at a veterans hospital in New Hampshire after it was initially removed following a complaint from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). “[A]s of Monday morning, the 18th, the Bible will be in a plexiglas case that was donated by a Navy […]

Chinese Authorities Ban Major House Church in Beijing

Chinese Authorities Ban Major House Church in Beijing

(International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Saturday, March 23, at around 1:50 p.m., more than 20 police officers and other Chinese government officials raided a Bible school class at Beijing’s Shouwang Church. The authorities demanded the church to cease its activities immediately and read out an official document formally […]

UK Mother Takes Legal Action Against Primary School for Not Allowing Son to Opt Out of ‘Gay Pride’ Event

UK Mother Takes Legal Action Against Primary School for Not Allowing Son to Opt Out of ‘Gay Pride’ Event

LONDON — A mother in the United Kingdom has taken formal legal action against her son’s former elementary school after he was not permitted to opt out of an event in celebration of Pride Month last June. According to reports, Heavers Farm Primary School in London held an event on June 29 called “Proud to Be […]

‘Hate Crime’ Law Restricts Speech, Puts Police Under Pressure, Says UK Telegraph

‘Hate Crime’ Law Restricts Speech, Puts Police Under Pressure, Says UK Telegraph

(The Christian Institute) — A national newspaper has said police time and resources are being wasted by making officers in England and Wales “arbiters of acceptable opinion.” The Telegraph criticized the police for “the continued harassment of people, often Christians, for making perfectly lawful statements that are decreed ‘hate crimes.’” In October, the U.K. government […]

At Least Three UK Children Taken Last Year Because of Parents’ Objections to ‘Gender Transitioning’

At Least Three UK Children Taken Last Year Because of Parents’ Objections to ‘Gender Transitioning’

(The Sun) — At least three children were taken into care last year because their mothers and fathers objected to them changing gender. The cases raise fears that parents are powerless to act if they think their child is making a wrong decision. Social workers at one council, Hillingdon in west London, say they placed […]