Sensitivity Video Teaches Police to Ask Transgenders Their Preferred Pronoun, Allow Restroom Preference

Sensitivity Video Teaches Police to Ask Transgenders Their Preferred Pronoun, Allow Restroom Preference

A sensitivity training video recently released by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) teaches police officers nationwide to ask men who identify as women and vice versa which gender pronoun they prefer, and to allow them to use the restroom that correlates with their gender identity. The video, Law Enforcement and the Transgender Community, was produced by […]

Poll Finds Most Non-Mainline Pastors Spoke About Abortion From Pulpit Within Past Year

Poll Finds Most Non-Mainline Pastors Spoke About Abortion From Pulpit Within Past Year

A poll conducted by the Barna Group finds that most non-mainline Protestant pastors have spoken about abortion from the pulpit over the past year, while the majority of denominations considered to be apostate did not. Barna’s quarterly Pastor Poll inquired of 513 Protestant senior pastors and 88 Roman Catholic priests last December and January as to […]

Obama Administration Proposes Rule That Could Ban States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

Obama Administration Proposes Rule That Could Ban States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON — Concerns are being expressed over a new rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that suggests that it plans to ban states from defunding abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. The notice of proposed rulemaking, “Compliance with Title X Requirements by Project Recipients in Selecting Subrecipients,” outlines that it plans […]

Uzbek Pastor and Family Granted Asylum in U.S. After Nine-Year Ordeal

Uzbek Pastor and Family Granted Asylum in U.S. After Nine-Year Ordeal

(World Watch Monitor) — Finally, their journey is over. Three years since fleeing Uzbekistan—following four years in a labor camp, house arrest and death threats—Pastor Dmitry Shestakov has arrived in the United States, where he and his family have been granted asylum. It’s been almost 10 years since Shestakov was first detained, after a raid […]

Alabama Republican Party Calls for Changes to Law in Light of Roy Moore’s Suspension From Bench

Alabama Republican Party Calls for Changes to Law in Light of Roy Moore’s Suspension From Bench

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Republican Party of Alabama has passed a resolution calling for changes to state law in relation to how it handles judges who have been accused of ethics violations in light of the recent suspension of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. The Alabama Republican State Executive Committee says that state law requiring […]

Bible Ministry Reaches Farthest Flung Villages in China

Bible Ministry Reaches Farthest Flung Villages in China

China (Mission Network News) — There are few mission fields surrounded by as many misconceptions as China. A country so well-known for its technological advances couldn’t still require access to the Bible, could it? In fact, in the cities, there seem to be plenty of copies of the Scriptures for the registered churches. But Wendelle […]

‘Mother Teresa’ Declared a Saint by ‘Pope Francis’ After Being Credited With Miracles in Death

‘Mother Teresa’ Declared a Saint by ‘Pope Francis’ After Being Credited With Miracles in Death

ROME — Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, also known as “Mother Teresa,” was declared a venerated saint on Sunday after she met the Vatican’s requirement of being credited with the purported healing of two people through what Roman Catholics believe is her intercession in death. “[A]fter due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance, and having sought the […]

‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting Book

‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting Book

An evolution-propagandizing illustrated children’s book is drawing praise from the secular community and currently ranks as a best seller on “Annabelle & Aiden: The Story Of Life” is a 26-page children’s book that was published last month. Advertised as an “inspirational storybook” that will help kids “gain a basic understanding of evolution,” the book […]

Atheist Activist Group Seeks Removal of Ten Commandments Painting in County Clerk’s Office

Atheist Activist Group Seeks Removal of Ten Commandments Painting in County Clerk’s Office

CADIZ, Ky. — A prominent professing atheist organization that targets what it believes are violations of the separation of Church and State is seeking the removal of a Ten Commandments painting in the office of a Kentucky county clerk. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) recently sent a letter to Carmen Finley, the clerk […]

Report: ISIS Buried Thousands in 72 Mass Graves

Report: ISIS Buried Thousands in 72 Mass Graves

HARDAN, Iraq (AP) — Surrounded by smoke and flames, the sound of gunshots echoing around him, the young man crouched in the creek for hours, listening to the men in his family die. On the other side of the mountain, another survivor peered through binoculars as the handcuffed men of neighboring villages were shot and […]