‘They’re Wrong’: Ala. Sheriff’s Office Rejects Atheist Assertion Govt. Can’t ‘Call on Citizens to Pray’ in Wake of Tragedy

‘They’re Wrong’: Ala. Sheriff’s Office Rejects Atheist Assertion Govt. Can’t ‘Call on Citizens to Pray’ in Wake of Tragedy

JASPER, Ala. — A sheriff’s office in Alabama says that it will not be responding to a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) requesting that it cease calling upon the community to pray in the wake of tragedies. The Walker County Sheriff’s Office does not believe it is in violation of the U.S. […]

‘No Need for Other gods’: Mo. Rep. Asks Governor Not to Return Statue of Pagan goddess to Capitol Dome

‘No Need for Other gods’: Mo. Rep. Asks Governor Not to Return Statue of Pagan goddess to Capitol Dome

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A Christian lawmaker in Missouri recently sent a letter to Gov. Mike Parson to ask that he not reinstate a statue of the Roman goddess Ceres to the capitol dome. The statue had been removed last year to be cleaned and revitalized, a project that reportedly cost $400K. “Governor Parson, you […]

Army Trademark Office Asks Christian Company to Stop Putting Scripture on Army-Themed Dog Tags Following Complaint

Army Trademark Office Asks Christian Company to Stop Putting Scripture on Army-Themed Dog Tags Following Complaint

BEAUMONT, Texas — A Christian jewelry company is at risk of losing permission to use the Army logo on its dog tags after the Army Trademark Licensing Program recently told the company that it can’t include Scripture on its products if it is also going to use the Army emblem. “You are not authorized to […]

Appeals Court Allows Christian School’s Free Speech Lawsuit Over Loudspeaker Prayer to Continue

Appeals Court Allows Christian School’s Free Speech Lawsuit Over Loudspeaker Prayer to Continue

ATLANTA, Ga. — The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Georgia has allowed a free speech lawsuit filed by a Christian school in Florida to continue after a lower court judge initially dismissed the legal challenge, which centers on the Florida High School Athletic Association’s (FHSAA) prohibition against loudspeaker prayer at football games. “The lower […]

Appeals Court Upholds Pa. Prayer Policy Preventing Atheists From Presenting House Invocation

Appeals Court Upholds Pa. Prayer Policy Preventing Atheists From Presenting House Invocation

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned a lower court ruling that would have allowed atheists to present invocations before the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. “A group of non-theists have challenged the theists-only policy under the Establishment, Free Exercise, Free Speech, and Equal Protection Clauses of our Constitution. As to the Establishment Clause, […]

Appeals Court Unanimously Rules Christian Cross on Pa. County’s Official Seal Does Not Violate Constitution

Appeals Court Unanimously Rules Christian Cross on Pa. County’s Official Seal Does Not Violate Constitution

PHILADELPHIA — The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously ruled that a Christian cross included on a Pennsylvania county’s official seal does not violate the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution, pointing to a recent ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that allowed a cross veterans monument to remain on public property. “The Establishment […]

‘What Do We Expect?’ Texas Lt. Gov. Laments Nation’s Eviction of God in Reflecting on El Paso Massacre

‘What Do We Expect?’ Texas Lt. Gov. Laments Nation’s Eviction of God in Reflecting on El Paso Massacre

AUSTIN, Texas — In speaking with Fox & Friends on Sunday in sharing his thoughts about the El Paso Walmart shooting on Saturday, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick noted that the nation has compartmentalized God, isolating Him to the church and kicking Him out of the public square. “As long as we continue to only […]

SC City’s Police Prayer Monument to Be Restored Along With Word ‘Lord’ But Without Scripture Citation

SC City’s Police Prayer Monument to Be Restored Along With Word ‘Lord’ But Without Scripture Citation

TEGA CAY, S.C. — A city in South Carolina has decided to return a monument meant to honor fallen police officers after it was initially removed due to controversy over the prayer inscribed on the back. A Bible citation on the front of the stone, however, will not be included on the reinstated monument. “After […]

Judge Rules South Carolina School District May Not Formally Present Prayers, Religious Music at Graduation

Judge Rules South Carolina School District May Not Formally Present Prayers, Religious Music at Graduation

GREENVILLE, S.C. — A federal judge appointed to the bench by then-President Barack Obama has ruled that a South Carolina school district may not formally present student prayers during graduation ceremonies, nor may it use religious music for the event. “The district shall not include a prayer – whether referred to as a prayer, blessing, invocation, […]

South Carolina City Removes Monument Featuring Prayer for Police Following Controversy

South Carolina City Removes Monument Featuring Prayer for Police Following Controversy

TEGA CAY, S.C. — A city in South Carolina has removed a monument that featured a prayer for police officers after local residents complained, citing the “separation of Church and State,” and others were saddened that officials plastered over the word “Lord” so as to appease opponents. “We have received many comments, both locally and […]