The Pennsylvania Department of Health has released very thorough statistics regarding abortions performed in the state in 2008. The facts reveal very sad and shocking information, especially regarding teenagers.
According to the Pennsylvania Induced Abortion Report, 48 thirteen year-olds had an abortion in the state in 2008, followed by 186 fourteen year-olds, 424 fifteen year-olds, 705 sixteen year-olds, 1,026 seventeen year-olds, 2,049 eighteen year-olds and 2,470 nineteen year-olds. This equates to 6,908 abortions performed on Pennsylvanian teens in just one year.
In another analysis of the data, the report found that the overwhelming majority of women having abortions in the state overall were unmarried. This information is very telling about our society and demonstrates the following:
Girls are Having Abortions in the Name of Convenience
Teenagers are being taught in our school systems, by society and their peers that being sexually promiscuous is expected of them. One of the worst influences on our youth today is Planned Parenthood, whose mission is to educate students about sexual matters and how to dodge the responsibility that comes from engaging in such activity – the conception of a child.
When girls find themselves pregnant because of committing fornication (engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage), they have been taught that the “easy” way out is to have their baby’s life terminated. Since having a child becomes an “inconvenience” to them, they attempt to rid themselves of the responsibility of their actions through abortion.
Abortion is Not About ‘Family Planning’
Since the vast majority of women obtaining abortions are unmarried, abortion obviously has nothing to do with “family planning.” It has everything to do instead with the fact that our society has lost its values and morals, and as a result, fornication is rampant.
These statistics show that girls as young as thirteen, and even younger (there were two girls ages twelve and under in Pennsylvania reported to have had an abortion in 2008) are sexually active. It is sad to think that junior high students and even sixth graders are engaging in sexual activity. What’s more, it is disturbing that the parents of these children are taking their daughters to abortion mills and teaching them to dodge the consequences of their actions by the “quick fix” of dismembering the conceived baby limb by limb.
Pennsylvania’s abortion statistics are just a sampling of the rampant fornication among the youth of our nation and the fact that abortions are performed primarily in the name of convenience. It is very important for our country to realize the long overdue need to teach purity to our youth, coupled with an education on the horrifying reality of abortion.
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