LYNCHBURG, Va. — Liberty University, which is considered the world’s largest Christian university and whose motto is ‘training champions for Christ,’ has hired an open homosexual advocate to choreograph its upcoming Broadway-style presentation of Mary Poppins.
The university recently published an article regarding the production, which it celebrates as being the school’s “largest to date.” The article notes that Alluvion Stage Company, an arm of the university’s Department of Theater Arts, “has hired a guest music director, a flight director, and a Broadway choreographer” to assist with the presentation.
“We are very excited to have all of these guest artists join us … They bring a whole new level of excellence,” stated artistic director Linda Nell Cooper. “Our goal with Alluvion is for every show to raise the bar somehow; they have helped us to do that.”
The selected choreographer is Geoffrey Goldberg, a New York City-based artist who has been involved with professional theater for over a decade, and traveled the country for five years assisting with the production of Mary Poppins, among others.
Goldberg’s bio on his website outlines that in addition to being involved with productions such as Grease, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Yankee Doodle, Goldberg also recently directed and choreographed a new musical entitled Bradley Cole.
An online review of the musical explains that “Bradley Cole is enriched with contemporary issues such as … shame and confusion over same-sex attraction.” It outlines the plot, where “Ian is secretly, repressively, in love with Ben,” although one of his female friends expresses interest in him.
Goldberg’s social media pages also indicate his support and advocacy for the homosexual agenda, posting “Happy pride, everyone” in June of last year, which was designated as Homosexual Pride Month by Barack Obama. Goldberg is also a member of the Facebook group Marriage Equality New York.
Goldberg’s Pinterest page likewise features a board dedicated to weddings, which includes pins for “gay wedding cake toppers,” “custom modern groom invitations for gay weddings or same-sex ceremonies” and a “gay wedding cake” with rainbow stripes.
Director Linda Nell Cooper told Christian News Network that Alluvian/Liberty University was not aware of Goldberg’s beliefs about homosexuality, but stated that one’s “personal life” is not a factor in the hiring process.
“He was hired based on his professionalism and his talent like everyone else,” Cooper explained. “It never came up in the conversation, nor would it have. … We do not ask about their personal life.”
“We work under professional guidelines. No one knows anything about anyone’s personal lives,” she reiterated.
Liberty University is not new to controversy surrounding the issue of homosexuality. As previously reported, The Atlantic published an essay last year written by Liberty University graduate Brandon Ambrosino, in which the former student outlined his personal experience of coming out as a homosexual on campus.
“When people find out I underwent therapy at Jerry Falwell’s Christian college, they assume I went through something like gay reparative therapy. But that isn’t what happened,” he wrote in the piece, entitled Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University. “I saw two counselors at Liberty … and neither of them ever expressed an interest in ‘curing’ me. Did they have an agenda? Yes. Their goal, which they were very honest about, was to help me to like myself, and to find peace with the real Brandon.”
Ambrosino went on to enroll as a graduate student in Liberty’s seminary program.
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