WASHINGTON — Over 20 clergy members representing Judaism, Hinduism and Islam, as well as those professing Christianity, gathered on Tuesday to seek a “blessing” over a new Planned Parenthood facility that opened last fall in the nation’s capital.
“In almost every message to our staff, I talk about our doing sacred work,” Laura Meyers, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, told DCist. “This confirms the sacredness of the work we do.”
“Now I can tell patients that this is a blessed space,” also remarked Serina Floyd, the medical director at the facility, located next to Two Rivers Charter School.
According to reports, the event was organized by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) and Christine and Dennis Wiley, who lead Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ in Washington, D.C.
“Many people do not understand that there are many kinds of Christians,” Christine Wiley asserted to the Huffington Post. “Conservative Christians dominate the television and radio media and influence people to think that this brand of Christianity ‘is’ Christianity. Although they have great influence, this stance is far from representing the true tenets of the person of Jesus Christ.”
The event included appearances by abortionist and former Baptist preacher Willie Parker, Michael Namath of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and Venkatesh Vadhyar and Bragadeesh Balasubramanian of Sri Bhaktha Anjaneya Temple.
“May the ones who bless our ancestors bring healing on all in need,” Namath said in prayer. “God, let your spirit rest upon these caregivers, who serve as instruments of your hands.”
Vadhyar and Balasubramanian chanted a mantra, stating that it “gives a good vibration to the building and anyone who comes in will be healed soon.”
Islamic Imam Daayiee Abdullah, who is known as being the first openly homosexual imam in the nation, appeared via Skype, where he likewise expressed his support.
The event also featured singing and dancing, and ended with those present singing “This Little Light of Mine,” a song that is based on the words of Christ in Matthew 5:16, which reads, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”
“I’ve been a Christian longer than I’ve been an abortion provider,” abortionist Willie Parker, who performs abortions at the last remaining abortion facility in Mississippi, told DCist. “Women have been made to think that this [facility] is some evil place, where God is not. … Our answer to the curse is to bless.”
As previously reported, in 2014, an Esquire report entitled “The Abortion Ministry of Dr. Willie Parker” outlined that the abortionist believes his work is a reflection of his faith.
“The protesters say they’re opposed to abortion because they’re Christian. It’s hard for them to accept that I do abortions because I’m a Christian,” he stated.
But some have noted that those like Parker who claim to be both Christian and pro-abortion are essentially making three faulty assertions.
“First is that life is not a right inherited from God, but a privilege bestowed by human beings who can withhold it if they choose to do so,” explained Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics in Denton, Texas. “Second is that God is neutral on whether a child He created [should be] brutally torn limb from limb.”
“And finally, they are saying that it is possible to reject the innocent new lives that God creates without rejecting God himself,” he outlined. “From a Christian perspective, all three of these are absurd.”
As previously reported, Philadelphia legal writer, educator and Christian apologist Francis Wharton, who wrote several books on American law, penned an entire chapter on abortion in his book “American Criminal Law,” which was published in 1855.
Wharton called abortionists “persons who are ready to degrade their humanity to this occupation” and stated in regard to abortion in general, “Such conduct cannot be too strongly condemned, and is the more deserving of receiving the punishment awarded for the criminal offense in question.”
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