BETHESDA, Md. — Four clergy members who profess to be Christians and one rabbi gathered outside of a late-term abortion facility in Maryland on Monday to “bless” the location, which is run by notorious abortionist Leroy Carhart.
“God of grace and God of glory, in whom we move and live,” prayed Carlton Veazey, president of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.,“… keep them safe and keep them strong. And may they always know that all that they do is for Thy glory.”
Cari Jackson, who is ordained in the United Church of Christ and also works with the Coalition, was likewise present at Wildwood Medical Center for the occasion. According to the Washington Post, which first broke the story, the clergy members sprinkled water in each room of the abortion facility, as well as in the parking lot.
“We give honor to all of these women who choose to come to this space,” Jackson said. “We sanctify this space, and we honor this as holy.”
Those involved also sang songs, such as “Mi Shebeirach,” which is stated to be a Jewish prayer for healing.
“May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless and heal those who are ill,” it states. “May the blessed Holy One be filled with compassion for their health to be restored and their strength to be revived.”
Charles Feinberg, who served as rabbi of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. from 2006 to 2015, claimed to those gathered that Jewish leaders have believed for hundreds of years that a baby is not a person, and that killing a baby is only considered murder once he or she is born.
“Jewish rabbinic authorities, starting with the Middle Ages, say that a fetus is not a person,” he asserted. “Judaism has always said abortion is never murder. It may not be permitted, depending on the circumstances—how far along the pregnancy is, how seriously ill the mother-to-be is—but it is never murder. It only becomes that once the baby is born.”
Veazy likewise asserted that God is not against abortion because it “affirms a woman’s moral agency.”
“The Supreme Court affirmed a woman’s right to choose an abortion. But before the Supreme Court did it, God had already done it, because it affirms a woman’s moral agency,” he claimed.
A Hindu priest was supposed to have attended the interfaith event, but was not present.
As previously reported, last October, Carhart—who also operates an abortion facility in Nebraska—announced that he would be opening an office in the Wildwood Medical Center for “advanced gestation abortion care.” Abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy in Maryland.
Word of the new facility drew opposition from pro-life groups nationwide, which held a protest and press conference outside of the location and urged those concerned to call for the cancellation of Carhart’s lease. According to, demonstrations are being held outside of the facility on a weekly basis. Organizers also state that other businesses in the medical complex object to having an abortionist in the building.

As previously reported, Carhart became the subject of controversy in 2013 after mother Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, 29, died following complications from the abortion of her 33-week-old daughter, who she named Madison Leigh. Morbelli opted to have an abortion because the baby had fetal anomalies, reports state.
An autopsy later revealed that Morbelli died “due to or as a consequence of Amniotic Fluid Embolism following Medical Termination of Pregnancy,” or the existence of amniotic fluid in her bloodstream, which resulted in clotting.
The Maryland Board of Physicians agreed to investigate the matter following a complaint, but ultimately decided to take no action in the situation.
Carhart was also captured during an undercover investigation that same year likening the lifeless and “mushy” bodies of aborted babies to “meat in a crock pot.”

“So, what makes the baby ‘mushy?’” the woman, who posed as an abortion-minded mother, asked.
“The fact that it’s not alive for 2 to 3 days,” Carhart responded.
“Oh, so I’ll have a dead baby in me?” the woman inquired.
“For three days, yeah,” Carhart said.
“Will it start to decay or something?” the woman asked.
“No,” Carhart said. “It’s like putting meat in a crock pot. Okay? It doesn’t get broken. It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected.”
“Okay, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot,” the woman repeated.
“Pretty much,” Carhart replied. “Kinda much.”
While Carhart claims to “strongly” believe in God and had previously attended a Methodist church, Christians have long decried abortion in America as being the savage murder of innocent children. Even in 1872, preacher Thomas De Witt Talmage wrote in his book “The Abominations of Modern Society:”
“Herod’s massacre of the innocents was as nothing compared to that of millions and millions by what I shall call ante-natal murders. You may escape the grip of the law, because the existence of such life was not known by society, but I tell you that at last God will shove down on you the avalanche of His indignation, and though you may not have wielded knife or pistol in your deeds of darkness, yet, in the day when John Wilkes Booth and Antony Probst come to judgment, you will have on your brow the brand of murderer.”
Ecclesiastes 11:5 also reads, “As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child, even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.”
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