WASHINGTON — In a tweet on Tuesday, new Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen acknowledged that the organization’s “core mission” is not only providing, but expanding “access to abortion.”
Wen made her remarks as she took issue with an article published by BuzzFeed with the headline “Planned Parenthood’s New President Wants to Focus on Nonabortion Health Care.”
“I am always happy to do interviews, but these headlines completely misconstrue my vision for Planned Parenthood,” Wen wrote in sharing the article to Twitter.
“First, our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive healthcare,” she added in a separate tweet. “We will never back down from that fight—it’s a fundamental human right and women’s lives are at stake.”
Wen wrote a series of other messages, in which she said that Planned Parenthood must fight against the abortion restrictions being passed across the country, and that while the organization would like to find ways to expand its non-abortion offerings to women, “it in no way means we are backing down from fighting for abortion access or from the important political work our advocacy organizations do.”
BuzzFeed had interviewed Wen for its report, and while the Planned Parenthood president opined that the headline was misleading, it did quote Wen as stating that although she plans to go on a five-month listening tour to consider the possible addition of other services, “The last thing I would want is people to get the impression that we are backing off of our core services.”
“What we will always be here to do is provide abortion access as part of the full spectrum of reproductive health care; it’s who we are,” she told the outlet.
As previously reported, Wen asserted via Twitter last month that abortion is “standard medical care,” a claim that is part of a common narrative among those who want society to believe that ending the life of an unborn child is simply healthcare.
“From here on out, we want to be clear: Planned Parenthood services, from birth control to cancer screenings and abortion, are standard medical care,” she wrote on Dec. 16. “Reproductive healthcare is healthcare. Women’s healthcare is healthcare. And healthcare is a basic human right. #ThisIsHealthcare”
While her post generated thousands of likes, others decided to refute Wen’s statement.
“Abortion is the intentional killing of the living individual in utero. It is an attack on health and life. It is literally the opposite of healthcare. This is reality. You continue with this ridiculous lie. For the baby it’s not healthcare—its deathcare!” one commenter declared.
“Cancer care is not in the same category of abortion,” another lamented. “My treatment was to help me live; abortion kills a child & often leaves the mother with mental & physical issues. Let me be clear: abortion is not healthcare; cancer care is healthcare.”

As previously reported, while modern-day Planned Parenthood leaders ardently argue that abortion is a mother’s “right,” the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, actually wrote against abortion, stating that “the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.”
“The great majority of women … belong to the working class. Nearly all of these women will fall into one of two general groups—the ones who are having children against their wills, and those who, to escape this evil, find refuge in abortion. Being given their choice by society—to continue to be overburdened mothers or to submit to a humiliating, repulsive, painful and too often gravely dangerous operation, those women in whom the feminine urge to freedom is strongest choose the abortionist,” she remarked in her book “Woman and the New Race.”
Sanger stated that there are potential consequences to having an abortion that are unsafe for women.
“The womb may not return to its natural size, but remain large and heavy, tending to fall away from its natural position. Abortion often leaves the uterus in a condition to conceive easily again and unless prevention is strictly followed another pregnancy will surely occur. Frequent abortions tend to cause barrenness and serious, painful pelvic ailments. These and other conditions arising from such operations are very likely to ruin a woman’s general health,” she wrote.
However, Sanger’s solution to countering abortion was birth control, initially naming her organization the American Birth Control League.
“The question that society must answer is this: Shall family limitation be achieved through birth control or abortion? Shall normal, safe, effective contraceptives be employed, or shall we continue to force women to the abnormal, often dangerous surgical operation?” she asked.
She decried large families, writing, “The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children.” She claimed that children get lost in large families and end up in jail or as prostitutes.
Sanger was also an advocate of eugenics against the disabled, as she made a correlation between birth control and the purification of the races. She additionally called for the sterilization of women in the “moron class,” referring to those with disabilities as being “morons,” “idiots” and “imbeciles.”
“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives,” Sanger wrote. “If we are to make racial progress, this development of womanhood must precede motherhood in every individual woman.”
According to Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report, the organization aborted 321,384 children during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The Centers for Disease Control’s latest abortion report shows that 85 percent of women obtaining abortions are unmarried.
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