Michael Jackson’s Daughter to Portray Jesus as Lesbian in New Blasphemous Film, Calls Mount to Cancel

The 22-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, will play a gender-bending Jesus Christ in the upcoming blasphemous film “Habit.” In the film, Jackson will portray Christ as a lesbian wearing a traditional robe and nose ring, who involves herself in a series of carnal acts with another woman.

Jackson will star in the indie film opposite Bella Thorne, who will play a street-smart girl with a Jesus fetish who masquerades as a nun while trying to escape the consequences of a violent drug deal.

Elevated Films, which is creating the film along with its producers, has Voltage Pictures on board to handle international sales.

“We intentionally stacked the film with rock stars and will have a very rocking soundtrack,” according to in an interview Donovan Leitch, one of the film’s producers, did with Entertainment Weekly.

Christian News Network is encouraging our readers to sign the petition below, which will be added to effort to stop the film.

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Stop Elevated Films' Blasphemous Portrayal of Jesus Christ

I am shocked and deeply saddened by your company’s decision to represent the film Habit featuring a gender-bending Jesus Christ. This is a repulsive display of corporate arrogance and complete contempt for the faith of Christians. You are denigrating Jesus. By doing that, you are deliberately insulting the faith of millions of Christians. As a result of your actions, I’m letting you know that I do not plan to watch any of your films now nor in the future. I strongly urge you to immediately cancel all plans to release the movie Habit.

**your signature**

9,978 signatures

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