US Supreme Court Temporarily Allows Mothers to Obtain Abortion Pills Without In-Person Visits

Photo Credit: Joe Ravi

WASHINGTON (USA Today) The Supreme Court ruled on a temporary basis Thursday night that women seeking to end their pregnancies with medication do not need to visit a [physical facility], given the COVID-19 pandemic.

The action was a setback for the Trump administration, which had sought to reinstate a 20-year-old policy following lower court rejections. The justices ordered the government to make its case in more detail before a federal trial court, a process that could take six weeks and extend beyond Election Day.

The court gave little reason for its action other than a desire to develop “a more comprehensive record.” But it hinted that during the review process, “relevant circumstances” could change. That could mean an easing of COVID-19 risks which, in turn, may allow the policy to be reinstated.

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