BRISBANE, Australia – An influential Catholic astronomer who works at the Holy See’s Vatican Observatory told a news outlet last week that the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account is ‘almost blasphemous theology.’ Guy Consolmagno is Coordinator for Public Relations at the Vatican Observatory, which is an astronomical institute operated by the Roman Catholic […]
Continue reading …HOUSTON – A prominent chemist who was recognized this year as one of the 50 most influential scientists in the world says most scientists do not understand how evolution could explain the existence of life. Dr. James Tour is a well-known professor at Rice University, specializing in chemistry, nanoengineering, and computer science. Over the last […]
Continue reading …HARTFORD, Conn. – A national homeschooling advocacy group is decrying a measure proposed by a Connecticut government task force that would allegedly require homeschoolers to undergo screenings to identify those considered to be “troubled.” As previously reported, lawmakers in Connecticut proposed a bill last year that would have mandated mental health assessments for both public […]
Continue reading …COLUMBIA, S.C. – A South Carolina state senator who has supported the critiquing of evolution in public schools says Christianity is being systematically outlawed from public schools and replaced with Darwinism. Mike Fair represents Senate District 6 in South Carolina and is a member of the state’s Education Oversight Committee. As previously reported, Fair objected […]
Continue reading …WASHINGTON – New details have emerged about an enormous Bible museum in Washington, D.C., that will feature thousands of biblical artifacts once it opens in early 2017. Steve Green is the Christian president of the popular American craft chain Hobby Lobby. As previously reported, Green opened a temporary Bible exhibit in Israel last year to […]
Continue reading …LOS ANGELES – Christian evangelist Ray Comfort plans to release a movie next year that will address the controversial topic of homosexuality from a biblical perspective. Comfort, founder of the California-based apologetics ministry Living Waters, has produced a number of film projects in recent years, including the abortion documentary “180.” As previously reported, Comfort’s most […]
Continue reading …In the latest issue of a widely-circulated science magazine, Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ defiantly defends his evolutionary beliefs and says that even if he ends up ‘going to Hell,’ it still won’t prove that the earth is young. As previously reported, Nye debated Answers in Genesis (AiG) president Ken Ham earlier this year in a historic creation/evolution […]
Continue reading …PICKERINGTON, Ohio – An Ohio high school was placed on lockdown last week after a Muslim man threatened to shoot students with an AK-47 due to the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. According to police, a man with a heavy accent called Pickerington North High School on Wednesday morning. The man, who identified himself […]
Continue reading …CLEVELAND, Texas – Several Christian leaders in Texas are urging a local library to remove books for teenagers that deal with vampires and other ‘demonic’ content. Phillip Missick, pastor of King of Saints Tabernacle in east Texas, recently testified at a Cleveland City Council meeting. According to local reports, Missick told city council members that a […]
Continue reading …COLUMBUS, Ohio – Evolutionists are angered by a proposed bill in Ohio that would cut the state’s Common Core education requirements, thus allowing for creation/evolution debates in the classroom. As previously reported, several U.S. states have rejected the nationalized Common Core curriculum due to the standards’ promotion of debatable issues, including evolution and man-made global […]
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