Teacher Ordered to Cleanse Christianity From Classroom Under Threat of Termination Files Suit

Teacher Ordered to Cleanse Christianity From Classroom Under Threat of Termination Files Suit

Cheektowaga, New York — A teacher that was ordered to cleanse Christianity from her classroom under threat of termination has filed a lawsuit in federal court to challenge what she believes in an unconstitutional mandate. Joelle Silver works as a high school teacher for the Cheektowaga Central School District near Buffalo, and is a born […]

Wheelchair Doesn’t Stop Mississippi Christian From Standing Up for Jesus

Wheelchair Doesn’t Stop Mississippi Christian From Standing Up for Jesus

Mathiston, Mississippi — A Christian man in Mississippi that was severely injured several years ago in an automobile accident says that confinement to a wheelchair is not stopping him from sharing the Gospel with those that are spiritually crippled by sin. Richard Story states that his life changed forever in 2006 as he was filling […]

Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil for Slain Elk in Colorado as ‘Human Life is Devalued’

Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil for Slain Elk in Colorado as ‘Human Life is Devalued’

Boulder, Colorado — Hundreds from the community of Boulder, Colorado recently attended a candlelight vigil for an elk that had been slain by a city police officer, while one local pro-life group is lamenting the devaluing of human life in the state. The roadside service, held on Sunday, included a singing of “Amazing Grace” and […]

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Washington, D.C. — The Obama administration recently announced the latest round of selections to serve in “key administration posts,” including the appointment of socialist economist Esther Duflo as a member of the President’s Global Development Council. In total, eight appointments were announced as members for the Council, with Mohamed A. El-Erian nominated as chairman. “These dedicated […]

Woman Fired For Biblical Views Continues Fight After Court Rules Diversity Trumps Religious Rights

Woman Fired For Biblical Views Continues Fight After Court Rules Diversity Trumps Religious Rights

Cincinnati, Ohio — A Christian woman that was fired from her job at the University of Toledo for expressing her views about homosexual behavior is continuing her fight after a federal court recently threw out her case, claiming that sexual diversity trumps religious rights. Crystal Dixon states that in 2008, she saw an opinion piece […]

Restaurant Owner Fuels Abortion Advocates’ Protest of Pro-Life Christians on Streets of Portland

Restaurant Owner Fuels Abortion Advocates’ Protest of Pro-Life Christians on Streets of Portland

Portland, Maine —  Through the efforts of a local restaurant owner, dozens of abortion advocates in Maine flocked to Planned Parenthood of Portland this morning to stand against a group of pro-life women and their families, which seek to minister to abortion-minded mothers outside of the facility each week. As previously reported, Mike Fink of Mike’s […]

As Faith Wanes, Congregations Attracting New Members With Club and Coffeehouse Atmospheres

As Faith Wanes, Congregations Attracting New Members With Club and Coffeehouse Atmospheres

An article released this week by the New York Times outlines that coffeehouse churches and other non-traditional settings are becoming the new wave across the nation as many pastors and emergent congregations are attempting to reinnovate the church in order to reach a culture that is increasingly turning against God. “The cool thing is church […]

Domino’s Pizza Founder Obtains Last-Minute Injunction Against Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

Domino’s Pizza Founder Obtains Last-Minute Injunction Against Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

Ann Arbor, Michigan — The founder of the popular pizza chain Domino’s Pizza, now real estate mogul, has obtained an injunction against the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare, just before the requirement went into effect today. Thomas Monaghan, a Roman Catholic, had filed suit in federal court last month on behalf of himself and his […]

Year in Review: 2012 Sees Rise in Christian Persecution, Battles Over God, Guns and ‘Gays’

Year in Review: 2012 Sees Rise in Christian Persecution, Battles Over God, Guns and ‘Gays’

As the year comes to a close, many like to reflect on the significant stories that shaped the past twelve months. A number of major events affected Christians throughout 2012, from the increasing persecution of believers nationwide, to the atheistic war to eradicate God from government and society, to the fight in the courts over […]

Hobby Lobby to Defy Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate and Risk Millions in Fines

Hobby Lobby to Defy Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate and Risk Millions in Fines

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — The popular craft chain Hobby Lobby has decided that it will defy the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare when the requirement goes into effect on January 1st, and risk millions in fines while its case moves forward in the courts. The company announced its decision through a statement issued by its […]