Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore: ‘Same-Sex Marriage Will Be Ultimate Destruction of Our Country’

Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore: ‘Same-Sex Marriage Will Be Ultimate Destruction of Our Country’

Judge Roy Moore, also known as the Ten Commandments judge and Republican candidate for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, told an audience yesterday that homosexual marriage will bring the demise of our nation. “Same sex marriage will be the ultimate destruction of our country because it destroys the very foundation upon which this […]

New Jersey Police Charge Six Christians for Evangelizing in Public Park

New Jersey Police Charge Six Christians for Evangelizing in Public Park

Police in New Jersey charged six Christians yesterday for evangelizing in a public park without government permission, and for causing some hearers to be upset with their Gospel message. Robert Parker of Millstone, New Jersey told Christian News Network that he and several Christians from Bread of Life Fellowship in Wayne were all cited on […]

U.S. Congressman: Evolution, Big Bang are ‘Lies Straight From the Pit of Hell’

U.S. Congressman: Evolution, Big Bang are ‘Lies Straight From the Pit of Hell’

A United States Congressman recently told an audience that he believes that evolution and the Big Bang Theory are “lies straight from the pit of Hell.” Republican Representative Paul Broun from Georgia was speaking to a group of Christians at a sportsmen’s banquet at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell when he made the statement. In […]

Montana Minister Wins Battle Against State’s Ban on Political Petitioning By Ministers, Preachers

Montana Minister Wins Battle Against State’s Ban on Political Petitioning By Ministers, Preachers

The state of Montana reached a settlement in federal court this week with a Billings minister who was arrested while collecting signatures for a ballot initiative outside of a popular public facility. Cal Zastrow, an Assemblies of God pastor, says that he was seeking signatures near the sports complex MetraPark earlier this year for Constitutional […]

U.S. Justice Scalia Reiterates Opposition to Homosexuality, Favors Abortion ‘Restrictions’ Only

U.S. Justice Scalia Reiterates Opposition to Homosexuality, Favors Abortion ‘Restrictions’ Only

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia weighed in on the issues of homosexuality and abortion this past week during a book signing at the American Enterprise Institution in Washington, D.C. Scalia, a Reagan appointee and Roman Catholic, told reporters that he believes that as a “textualist” — an individual that adheres to the original meaning […]

Texas Cheerleaders Fight for Right to Display Bible Banners

Texas Cheerleaders Fight for Right to Display Bible Banners

Cheerleaders at a Texas high school are fighting for the right to display Bible banners during school football games after their Scriptural signs came under fire from a national atheist organization. Approximately fifteen cheerleaders from Kountze High School have filed suit against their Houston-area school district, arguing that the district’s decision to stop the use […]

Phoenix City Council Repeals Ordinance That Prohibited Christians From Giving Away Bottled Water

Phoenix City Council Repeals Ordinance That Prohibited Christians From Giving Away Bottled Water

The City Council of Phoenix, Arizona has repealed an ordinance that had been used this summer to prohibit Christians in the city from distributing bottled water on the streets. As previously reported, in July of this year, Patrick Moore and Dana Crow-Smith told Christian News Network that they had been approached by an official with […]

First Presidential Debate Squares Off Candidates on Economy, Obamacare and Big Government

First Presidential Debate Squares Off Candidates on Economy, Obamacare and Big Government

Presidential incumbent Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney participated in the first of three presidential debates last night, squaring off on everything from the economy to Obamacare and big government. The debate took place at the University of Denver and was moderated by PBS News Hour host Jim Lehrer. Lehrer presented a number […]

Mitt Romney: ‘We’re All Children of the Same God’

Mitt Romney: ‘We’re All Children of the Same God’

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made reference to a universal god during Wednesday night’s presidential debate via a single statement not particularly related to the debate issues at hand. “We’re a nation that believes that we’re all children of the same God,” Romney said. He had referred to the Constitution just moments prior, noting that […]