Christian Converts from Islam Slain in Yemen

Christian Converts from Islam Slain in Yemen

ISTANBUL, Turkey (Morning Star News) – Two Christians in Yemen, both converts from Islam, have been ambushed and killed because of their faith, according to sources close to the victims. In Taiz, a city with a pre-war population of 600,000 people in southwest Yemen, at least one member of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) […]

African Child Marriages Will Double By 2050 Unless Action Is Taken, UN Warns

African Child Marriages Will Double By 2050 Unless Action Is Taken, UN Warns

JOHANNESBURG (AFP/Yahoo News) — Child marriages in Africa are set to more than double by 2050 unless urgent steps are taken, UNICEF warned Thursday as delegates met in Zambia to discuss how to halt the practice. The two-day meeting in Lusaka is the African Union’s first conference on “Ending Child Marriage in Africa”, gathering representatives from member […]

Lord’s Prayer Advertisement Rejected for Run in Movie Theaters Over Potential ‘Offense’

Lord’s Prayer Advertisement Rejected for Run in Movie Theaters Over Potential ‘Offense’

LONDON — A British cinema firm has denied the request of the Church of England to run an advertisement featuring the Lord’s Prayer, stating that the content might cause offense to some viewers. The 60-second commercial, which features a variety of everyday citizens reciting the words of Christ, was to play next month before “Star Wars: […]

Requests for Scripture Increase in Africa

Requests for Scripture Increase in Africa

Africa (MNN) — World Missionary Press (WMP) is seeing an increasing hunger for God’s Word in African countries, reflected in requests for their Scripture booklets. “We’re having tremendous feedback from Africa. It seems to be moving across the continent,” says WMP’s Helen Williams. “Right now we have projects going in 10 or 12 different countries […]

Myanmar Military Offensive Displaces Kachin Christians

Myanmar Military Offensive Displaces Kachin Christians

YANGON, Burma (Morning Star News) – Artillery and air strikes by Burma (Myanmar) government forces on rebel bases in Kachin state in the past week displaced hundreds of ethnic Kachin, a predominantly Christian people long targeted in part because they are not Buddhist. Lama Yaw of the Kachin Baptist Convention, who visited areas near Mohnyin where […]

Boko Haram Suicide Attack Kills at Least 10 in Cameroon

Boko Haram Suicide Attack Kills at Least 10 in Cameroon

YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon — Four civilians were killed in northern Cameroon on Saturday in a suicide bomb assault by militants suspected of belonging Boko Haram. Three female attackers and one man blew themselves up in the attack, security officials said. The attack on the village of Nigue was the latest of many Boko Haram has mounted in […]

UK Judge Grants Request to Pull ‘Minimally Conscious’ Woman’s Nutrition, Hydration

UK Judge Grants Request to Pull ‘Minimally Conscious’ Woman’s Nutrition, Hydration

LONDON — A judge in the UK has granted a request to pull the clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) of a woman who is stated to be “minimally conscious” as her daughter believes that keeping her alive in her current condition brings her “indignity.” The 68-year-old woman, only identified as Mrs. N, suffers from […]

Armed Muslims Take Wife, Children from Christian in Kenya

Armed Muslims Take Wife, Children from Christian in Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A secret Christian in coastal Kenya escaped Muslim in-laws who last week sought to stab him and took his wife and children, less than two weeks after Islamic extremists further south torched two church buildings, sources said. Former Muslim Hassan Ali said he narrowly escaped death when Muslim neighbors and […]