Israeli Airstrike Kills Top Islamic Jihad Commander

An Israeli strike on a Gaza City high-rise today has killed one of the top militant leaders of Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian militant group said. The second strike in two days on the downtown Gaza City building that houses the Hamas TV station, Al Aqsa, has killed Ramez Harb, who is a leading figure in […]

Islamic Sharia Law on the Rise in Great Britain as UK Seeks to Shut Down Muslim Courts

Islamic Sharia Law on the Rise in Great Britain as UK Seeks to Shut Down Muslim Courts

Islamic Sharia law is on the rise in Great Britain as members of the UK parliament are seeking to ban self-established Muslim courts in the nation. There are approximately 85 Sharia tribunals throughout Great Britain, all of which are run by Islamic judges who rule according to the Koran. There are no appeals following judgment […]

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

During a pre-trial hearing this week in St. Petersburg, Russia, a court ruled that a lawsuit filed against American pop singer Madonna for promoting homosexuality to minors could go forward. The court opined that the suit, filed by groups such as Union of Russian Citizens, the People’s Assembly and the New Great Russia, presented “sufficient evidence” […]

French Socialists Demand ‘Assisted Procreation’ Be Added to Proposed Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Law

French Socialists Demand ‘Assisted Procreation’ Be Added to Proposed Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Law

Socialists in France are demanding that parliament add language to its proposed homosexual marriage legislation legalizing “assisted human procreation.” They state that homosexuals have a right to parent test tube babies just like heterosexual couples that struggle with infertility. “On the issue of rights and freedoms, [we must] ensure that we set an example for […]

Ugandan Parliament Moves to Ban Street Preaching

Ugandan Parliament Moves to Ban Street Preaching

Members of parliament in the South Central African country of Uganda are seeking to ban street preaching in the nation following a motion from a Kawempe North legislator. According to reports, parliament met earlier this month to deliberate the matter. The government officials, known as GP’s, stated that they disliked the preaching, calling it “inflammatory.” […]

Christians Hold to Hope in War-Torn Syria

Christians Hold to Hope in War-Torn Syria

Open Doors USA is reporting that many Christians in Syria are being adversely affected by ongoing war, but are staying strong spiritually by holding tightly to their faith in Christ. “Bombings, missiles, shelling, attacks are happening all over the country and are increasing in Aleppo and Damascus,” those on the ground explain. “But, God’s favor […]

Missions Group Raises Awareness of Plight of Orphans

Missions Group Raises Awareness of Plight of Orphans

A missions organization that focuses on caring for orphans and distressed children is conducting a diaper drive through early November. Mission Network News reports that Dr. Jerry Haag, the president of Florida Baptist Children’s Homes and Orphan’s Heart, is conducting its annual 40 Days for the Fatherless campaign to help raise awareness about the plight […]