Woman Wins Appeal to Wear Colander on Head in DMV Photo as Part of ‘Religion’ to Mock Christians

Woman Wins Appeal to Wear Colander on Head in DMV Photo as Part of ‘Religion’ to Mock Christians

LOWELL, Mass. — A Massachusetts woman has won her appeal to wear a colander on her head for her driver’s license photo as part of a satirical religion that is meant to mock Christianity and its beliefs. Lindsay Miller of Lowell, who identifies as a member of the “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” or “Pastafarianism,” […]

Atheist Activist Group Seeks Removal of Christian Flag from School Board Meeting Room

Atheist Activist Group Seeks Removal of Christian Flag from School Board Meeting Room

ERWIN, Tenn. — A prominent atheist activist organization is seeking the removal of a Christian flag from the room where a Tennessee school board holds its public meetings. The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter on Tuesday to the Unicoi County Schools Board of Education after it says that it received a […]

Christian Writer Detained for Questioning in China

Christian Writer Detained for Questioning in China

(South China Morning Post) — A Chinese dissident writer who wrote extensively about the mass demolition of crosses atop churches in Zhejiang province was questioned on Tuesday on suspicion of “inciting subversion of the state”, a friend confirmed. Zan Aizong was on Tuesday taken away briefly and his house raided, according to Zan’s friend, who […]

State Human Rights Commission Appeal Seeks to Force Christian Business to Print ‘Gay Pride’ T-Shirts

State Human Rights Commission Appeal Seeks to Force Christian Business to Print ‘Gay Pride’ T-Shirts

LEXINGTON, Ky. — A court battle continues over the right of a Christian business not to print t-shirts for a “gay pride” event in conflict with its biblical beliefs after the Kentucky Human Rights Commission recently filed an appeal in an effort to force the company to comply with its demands. As previously reported, the Gay and […]

Chinese Christians’ Detentions Upgraded to ‘Black Jail’

Chinese Christians’ Detentions Upgraded to ‘Black Jail’

Wenzhou, Zhejiang (China Aid) — Authorities placed at least 20 Christians under residential surveillance in China’s coastal Zhejiang province over the past two months. In China, “residential surveillance in a designated location,” also known as holding in “black jails,” is a more severe form of holding than “criminal detention.” Individuals under residential surveillance are held […]

Christians Worldwide to Observe International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Christians Worldwide to Observe International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Christians worldwide will be observing the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church today by joining together to intercede for those who daily suffer for their faith in Jesus Christ. “Religious freedom is a fundamental human right,” states a video produced by the World Evangelical Alliance. “In spite of this, religious freedom is fast […]

Adoption Ministry Works With Local Churches to Place Orphans in Christian Homes

Adoption Ministry Works With Local Churches to Place Orphans in Christian Homes

AFRICA (Mission Network News) — Orphanages are overflowing with kids who don’t know what the word “permanent” means anymore. Ruth Olsson, a strategic partnership consultant with Bethany Christian Services, says, “Institutionalizing children is not a great plan for their future. We would say God designed the family. Man designed orphanages to respond to a crisis, […]

Christian Baker Appeals Order Requiring Service of ‘Gay Weddings’ to Colorado Supreme Court

Christian Baker Appeals Order Requiring Service of ‘Gay Weddings’ to Colorado Supreme Court

DENVER — A Christian baker in Colorado has appealed an order requiring him to provide service for “gay weddings” despite his biblical beliefs not to be a partaker in other men’s sins. (1 Timothy 5:22) As previously reported, in August, the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld a lower court order against baker Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake […]

Deaf Christian Woman Gang Raped by Pakistani Muslims

Deaf Christian Woman Gang Raped by Pakistani Muslims

PUNJAB, Kasur (Breitbart) — Three Muslim men broke into the home of a deaf Christian woman in a village in the district of Kasur, Pakistan, and took turns raping her while the men of the family were at work. The incident occurred in the Ganda Singh Wala village in the Kasur district of Punjab. The […]