Hilton to Pull On-Demand Pornography from Hotel Rooms

Hilton to Pull On-Demand Pornography from Hotel Rooms

An international hotel chain has announced that it has decided to pull on-demand television access to pornography in its guest rooms, generating applause from Christians and other morality-focused groups. Hilton Hotels and Resorts, run by Hilton Worldwide, will no longer contract with “adult” program providers after September of this year, and all hotels must phase […]

T.D. Jakes Rebuked by Black Leader for ‘Riding Two Horses’ on ‘Gay Marriage’ in Recent Statements

T.D. Jakes Rebuked by Black Leader for ‘Riding Two Horses’ on ‘Gay Marriage’ in Recent Statements

A prominent black leader is calling out T.D. Jakes for his recent comments on homosexuality—including a formal statement yesterday—which indicate that while Jakes is personally opposed to “gay marriage,” he supports the government granting homosexuals the right to “marry” and believes that practicing homosexuals should attend churches that affirm their lifestyle. “I think he’s trying […]

T.D. Jakes ‘Shocked’ After Theology Called Into Question Following Remarks Respecting ‘Gay Rights’

T.D. Jakes ‘Shocked’ After Theology Called Into Question Following Remarks Respecting ‘Gay Rights’

Megachurch leader and author T.D. Jakes says that he is “shocked” by how his comments last week regarding homosexual rights have been interpreted as some across the nation are now calling his theology into question over the opinions he provided about the issue. FINDING GAY-AFFIRMING CHURCHES AND ‘RESPECTING’ GAY RIGHTS As previously reported, during an […]

Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’

Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’

STELLENBOSCH, South Africa – An accomplished nuclear physicist has recently expressed outspoken support for the Genesis creation account, arguing that the evolutionary worldview “fails dismally” in its description of scientific realty. Dr. Brandon van der Ventel is a nuclear physicist with a Ph.D. from South Africa’s Stellenbosch University, where he currently teaches theoretical nuclear physics. […]

‘Science Supports Genesis’: Geneticist Says Evidence Confirms Biblical Adam and Eve

‘Science Supports Genesis’: Geneticist Says Evidence Confirms Biblical Adam and Eve

A respected molecular geneticist explores the historicity of Adam and Eve in a newly-released documentary, explaining that modern findings in the field of genetics confirm the Bible’s teachings that all humans descended from an original couple created by God. Dr. Georgia Purdom earned a Ph.D. in molecular genetics from Ohio State University and has published […]

Legal Group: ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling Now Creates ‘Much Greater Threat’ to Religious Liberty

Legal Group: ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling Now Creates ‘Much Greater Threat’ to Religious Liberty

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — A nationally-recognized legal organization states that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling declaring that those of the same sex have a “fundamental right to marry” has now created a serious threat to religious liberty nationwide. “Because the court has created a [newly-defined] fundamental right to marry that is on par with the First […]

Faith Comes By Hearing: Bibles for Iraq to Reach Refugees Displaced by Jihadists with Word of God

Faith Comes By Hearing: Bibles for Iraq to Reach Refugees Displaced by Jihadists with Word of God

PHILADELPHIA — In response to the nearly two million civilians that have been displaced in Iraq and Syria by the barbaric Islamic group ISIS, which identifies itself a the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, an American Christian ministry has launched a project to not only meet the immediate physical needs of the people, but […]

‘Audacity’: Uncompromising Ray Comfort Film on Homosexuality to Be Released This Week

‘Audacity’: Uncompromising Ray Comfort Film on Homosexuality to Be Released This Week

BELLFLOWER, Cal. – Ray Comfort’s latest film project, scheduled to be released this week, will explore the topic of homosexuality from an “uncompromising” biblical perspective, using a “thought-provoking plot” and footage from unscripted interviews. Comfort, a well-known Christian evangelist, has produced a number of movies and documentaries in recent years. As previously reported, Comfort’s most […]

‘Pope Francis’ Claims Devil Keeping Evangelicals, Roman Catholics Divided: ‘They Are One’

ROME — In a recorded video statement released on Saturday, the Roman Catholic Pontiff known as Francis asserted that evangelicals and Catholics are one, and that it is the devil who has divided the two groups. “Division is the work of the ‘Father of Lies,’ ‘the Father of Discord,’ who does everything possible to keep […]

New Docuseries ‘Preach’ to Feature Female Chest-Bumping, Face-Spitting ‘Prophetesses’

A new docuseries to be featured on the Lifetime channel beginning next month features four self-proclaimed female “prophetesses” who state that they are called by God to preach and use means such as chest-bumping and spitting in the faces of those who attend their meetings to purportedly bring about physical and spiritual deliverance. “With the […]