Va. County GOP Censures Rep. for Officiating Same-Sex ‘Wedding,’ Considering Voting for Biden

Va. County GOP Censures Rep. for Officiating Same-Sex ‘Wedding,’ Considering Voting for Biden

APPOMATTOX, Va. — The Republican Party of Appomattox County, Virginia recently unanimously voted to censure outgoing Rep. Denver Riggleman for “betraying the very morals, principals, and values of the Republican Party” by officiating a same-sex “wedding” and publicly stating that he was considering voting for Democrat Joe Biden, among other offenses. “[I]n July 2019, Denver Riggleman […]

Feds Disallow Calif. $200 Million in Medicaid Funds Over Abortion Insurance Coverage Mandate

Feds Disallow Calif. $200 Million in Medicaid Funds Over Abortion Insurance Coverage Mandate

WASHINGTON — The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will withhold $200 million in Medicaid funds from the State of California in the upcoming quarter due to its unlawful mandate that all insurance plans cover elective abortions. “California’s mandate violates a federal anti-discrimination law […]

Fake News Spreads That Biden Picked Man Who Identifies as Woman for Education Secretary

Fake News Spreads That Biden Picked Man Who Identifies as Woman for Education Secretary

WASHINGTON — A man who identifies as a woman says he was only being sarcastic as he responded to rumors that Joe Biden had selected him to be the next Secretary of Education. The misinformation, which apparently began with a social media post from an obscure Twitter user, has been believed and reposted online by […]

Homosexual Advocacy Group’s ‘Blueprint for Positive Change’ Includes Revoking Religious Exemptions

Homosexual Advocacy Group’s ‘Blueprint for Positive Change’ Includes Revoking Religious Exemptions

WASHINGTON — The homosexual advocacy group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a self-titled “Blueprint for Positive Change” document that outlines 85 policy recommendations it would like to see under the Biden administration. Included in the items listed are the revocation of religious exemptions put in place by the Trump administration that protect Christian schools, […]

Biden Selects AG Who Prosecuted Pro-Life Investigator to Lead Dept. of Health and Human Services

Biden Selects AG Who Prosecuted Pro-Life Investigator to Lead Dept. of Health and Human Services

Joe Biden announced on Monday that he has nominated California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be the next secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The pick was denounced by pro-life groups and others, who noted that Becerra is “aggressively pro-abortion” as he defended a state law requiring pregnancy centers to provide […]

US Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Ore. School District’s ‘Transgender’ Restroom Policy

US Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Ore. School District’s ‘Transgender’ Restroom Policy

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal challenging an Oregon public school district’s restroom and locker use policy, which allows students who identify as the opposite sex to use the facility that aligns with their gender identity. Without comment, the court denied certiorari to the case of Parents for Privacy […]

Atheists, Humanists Release ‘Secular Agenda for Congress, Biden Administration’

Atheists, Humanists Release ‘Secular Agenda for Congress, Biden Administration’

The Secular Coalition for America, in conjunction with 19 member organizations, has released its “Secular Agenda for the 117th Congress and Biden Administration,” which includes the repeal of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), the passage of the controversial Equality Act, and the restoration of Title X funds to Planned Parenthood. “The comprehensive plan includes strengthening […]

Supreme Court Justice Alito Warns: ‘Religious Liberty Is in Danger of Becoming a Second-Class Right’

Supreme Court Justice Alito Warns: ‘Religious Liberty Is in Danger of Becoming a Second-Class Right’

WASHINGTON — In presenting a virtual keynote speech to the Federalist Society’s annual National Lawyer’s Convention on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito expressed his concern that religious liberty is “in danger of becoming a second-class right,” and along with that, freedom of speech. “It pains me to say this, but in certain quarters, religious […]

Voters Choose Homosexual Who Moonlights as ‘Drag Queen’ for Del. House Over Republican Challenger

Voters Choose Homosexual Who Moonlights as ‘Drag Queen’ for Del. House Over Republican Challenger

GLASGOW, Del. — Voters in Delaware’s 27th District have chosen to elect an openly homosexual man who moonlights as a drag queen to represent them in the state House of Representatives over his Republican challenger, who lost by a significant margin. According to reports, Eric Morrison won 61.4% of the vote (7,844), compared to the 36.8% […]

Biden: ‘Religion Should Not Be Used as License to Discriminate’ Against Homosexuals, Transgenders

Biden: ‘Religion Should Not Be Used as License to Discriminate’ Against Homosexuals, Transgenders

In an interview published on Wednesday by the Philadelphia Gay News, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden stated that, if elected, he will oppose religious exemptions in proposed laws prohibiting “discrimination” against homosexuals and transgenders and will undo current policies that make allowances for federal contractors/government funding recipients with conscience objections. “The idea of ‘religious freedom’ […]

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