Pagan Coffee Giant Starbucks Causing Wave of Outrage Among Xmas Celebrators With Plain Coffee Cup

Pagan Coffee Giant Starbucks Causing Wave of Outrage Among Xmas Celebrators With Plain Coffee Cup

The dominant coffee giant Starbucks, which uses cups embossed with the image of a pagan Norse seductive siren, is generating outrage over its choice of a plain red holiday cup this year as some—including Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has announced that he will be ending Starbucks’ Trump Tower lease over the matter—are claiming that […]

Presidential Candidate Ben Carson: Seventh-Day Adventists Should ‘Ordain’ Women

Presidential Candidate Ben Carson: Seventh-Day Adventists Should ‘Ordain’ Women

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told reporters on Friday that he believes Seventh-Day Adventists should ordain women, expressing disagreement with current prohibitions against female headship. “I don’t see any reason why women can’t be ordained,” he said, opining that it was a “huge mistake” for Adventist leaders to vote against female ordination. Carson was referring to July’s 60th […]

Mormon-Owned Marriott ‘Love Travels’ Campaign Continues Push for Homosexuality in its Hotels

Mormon-Owned Marriott ‘Love Travels’ Campaign Continues Push for Homosexuality in its Hotels

The Mormon-owned international hotel chain Marriott continues to promote the company’s support of homosexuality through its marketing department, building off of its #lovetravels campaign. The hotel chain has compiled several stories from homosexual partners in its ongoing promotional effort, which began last year, and is placing online banner advertisements to promote its “lesbian and gay travel” […]

Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to Address Student Body: ‘We Have Same Goals’

Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to Address Student Body: ‘We Have Same Goals’

LYNCHBURG, Va. — The president of what is known as the largest evangelical university in the world welcomed admitted socialist Bernie Sanders to address the student body on politics and social issues on Monday, stating that they have the “same goals” of “helping people in need.” Sanders, who spoke at Liberty University’s weekly convocation—which students are required to attend—began […]

Pastor: Kim Davis Has Duty to Continue to Defy Federal Court as ‘Lesser Magistrate’ to Uphold God’s Law

Pastor: Kim Davis Has Duty to Continue to Defy Federal Court as ‘Lesser Magistrate’ to Uphold God’s Law

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — A pastor and author who supports Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ decision to disobey a court order rather than violate the law of God says that Davis has a duty to continue to interpose as a civil magistrate and refuse to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals—and the responsibility has nothing to do with […]

‘I Don’t Believe in God’: Atheist Minister Resists Effort to Boot Her from United Church of Canada

‘I Don’t Believe in God’: Atheist Minister Resists Effort to Boot Her from United Church of Canada

TORONTO — An ordained minister with the United Church of Canada is resisting efforts to oust her from the pulpit because she is an atheist. “I don’t believe in … the god called God,” Gretta Vosper told the Globe and Mail. “Using the word gets in the way of sharing what I want to share.” […]

Texas Senate Advances Bill Banning Sharia Law in Family Court When in Conflict With U.S. Law

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Senate recently advanced what is dubbed as the “anti-Sharia bill,” sending the matter on to the House for consideration. S.B. 531, an amendment to the Texas family code, was introduced by Sen. Donna Campbell (R-New Braunfels). Although the bill does not mention Islam or Sharia law, its intent has been […]

Idaho Governor Takes Fight to Defend State Marriage Amendment to U.S. Supreme Court

Idaho Governor Takes Fight to Defend State Marriage Amendment to U.S. Supreme Court

BOISE, Idaho — The governor of Idaho has take the fight to defend his state’s constitutional amendment defining marriage as being solely between a man and a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. As previously reported, last May, U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale asserted that the amendment, which was passed in 2006 with 63 percent […]