Christians Arrested for Preaching in New Orleans After Sunset; Police Vow to Target Churches Next

Christians Arrested for Preaching in New Orleans After Sunset; Police Vow to Target Churches Next

A pastor and five members of his ministry team were arrested Friday night in New Orleans, Louisiana for preaching on Bourbon Street after sunset. Pastor Troy Bohn of RAVEN Ministries (Restoring a Vision and Evangelizing Nations) and his ministry associates were taken into custody as they were sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ after 10:00 […]

Caging Liberty: Americans Decry ‘Free Speech Zones’ at Republican and Democratic National Conventions

Caging Liberty: Americans Decry ‘Free Speech Zones’ at Republican and Democratic National Conventions

Now that the Democratic and Republican National Conventions are over, some are discussing the contrast of the conventions in regard to the ability to engage in free speech. At the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, demonstrators and others state that they were kept inside of a wire pen, which was classified as the approved […]

Rebellion Erupts Over School’s Student-Chipping Plan

Rebellion Erupts Over School’s Student-Chipping Plan

A rebellion is developing in Texas against a plan by a school district in San Antonio that would monitor the exact location and activities of all students at all times through RFID chips they are being ordered to wear. Katie Deolloz, a member of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, told WND today that […]

Biden Buddy Granted Mega-Loan to Build Foreign Car Dealership

Biden Buddy Granted Mega-Loan to Build Foreign Car Dealership

A friend to vice president Joe Biden was recently granted $20 million dollars to build a car dealership overseas. John Hynansky, who is a longtime regular donor to the Biden and Obama campaigns, was awarded the funding from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Official documents outline that the money will be used to “expand Winner […]

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Government Established Free Speech Free Zones

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Government Established Free Speech Free Zones

A federal appeals court has upheld the creation of no demonstration zones, which prohibit free speech in certain public areas. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals released a ruling yesterday upholding a lower court’s decision that also declared such zones as being permissible. The opinion was penned by Judge Dennis Jacobs on behalf of a […]

International Codes May Force Home Churches, Small Groups to Pony Up, Shut Down or Go Underground

International Codes May Force Home Churches, Small Groups to Pony Up, Shut Down or Go Underground

In light of the recent incarceration of Michael Salman, Christians nationwide are expressing their concerns as to whether they may be forced to adhere to commercial building codes if they wish to utilize their home for regular gatherings, including worship meetings and Bible studies. Salman was recently jailed for operating a “church” on the family’s […]

Phoenix Cracks Down on Christians Giving Out Bottled Water While Witnessing in Scorching Desert Heat

Phoenix Cracks Down on Christians Giving Out Bottled Water While Witnessing in Scorching Desert Heat

PHOENIX, Ariz. — Phoenix officials recently cracked down on Christians who were handing out bottled water during an evangelistic outreach in the city. Patrick Moore and Dana Crow-Smith say that they were prohibited from giving away bottled water last Friday at the city’s monthly “First Friday” festival as they were witnessing to event attendees on […]

Federal Judge: Terror Law Violates First Amendment

NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on Wednesday struck down a portion of a law giving the government wide powers to regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists, saying it left journalists, scholars and political activists facing the prospect of indefinite detention for exercising First Amendment rights. Read the article in its entirety […]