Maine Supreme Court Hears Case of Twin Boy Suing School Over ‘Right’ to Use Girls’ Restroom

Maine Supreme Court Hears Case of Twin Boy Suing School Over ‘Right’ to Use Girls’ Restroom

BANGOR – On Wednesday, the Maine Supreme Court heard arguments for a case involving a student’s access to restrooms of the opposite sex. The case centers around Wyatt Maines, a 15-year-old identical twin boy who identifies himself as a girl. According to an interview with his parents conducted by the Bangor Daily News, Wyatt has […]

Professing Christian Mother Contacts Atheist Group to Protest Prayer at Pre-K Graduation

Professing Christian Mother Contacts Atheist Group to Protest Prayer at Pre-K Graduation

BEAUMONT — A school district in Texas is investigating a complaint after a mother who identifies as a Christian contacted a prominent atheist activist organization to express concerns over a prayer offered during a pre-k graduation ceremony. The Beaumont Independent School District has confirmed that it received a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation […]

Islamic Advocacy Group Pushing for Muslim Prayer Accommodations in Michigan School

Islamic Advocacy Group Pushing for Muslim Prayer Accommodations in Michigan School

DETROIT– Three years after an Islamic group persuaded Michigan public school officials to forbid the distribution of Christian permission slips, the very same organization is urging nearby school districts to permit regular Muslim prayers. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a non-profit Muslim advocacy organization, dedicated to promoting Islamic values and fighting discrimination against […]

Liberty Baptist Seminary’s Enrollment of Homosexual Activist Called Into Question

Liberty Baptist Seminary’s Enrollment of Homosexual Activist Called Into Question

LYNCHBURG — The enrollment of an openly homosexual student at a prominent Baptist theological seminary is being called into question by those who wonder why the institution is seemingly overlooking immoral behavior by those it will be sending out into the ministry. As previously reported, The Atlantic recently published an essay written by Liberty University graduate […]

Texas Christian University Cites ‘Diversity’ in Recognizing Atheist Group, Embracing All Religions

Texas Christian University Cites ‘Diversity’ in Recognizing Atheist Group, Embracing All Religions

FORT WORTH– The recent recognition of an atheist student organization and the public promotion of different faiths have led some to question the religious policies of Texas Christian University (TCU). As previously reported, in February, a 32-year-old transfer student at TCU submitted paperwork to form an atheist and agnostic group called the “Freethinking Frogs.” This […]

Proposed Education Bill Would Require Federally-Funded Schools to Protect Homosexual Students

Proposed Education Bill Would Require Federally-Funded Schools to Protect Homosexual Students

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats unveiled legislation this past week that would—among other things—protect homosexual students from discrimination in federally-funded schools. The 1,150-page long bill, titled the “Strengthening America’s School Act of 2013,” is a proposed revision to the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) act that was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002. […]

Valedictorian Rips Up Approved Speech on Stage, Recites Lord’s Prayer at Graduation

Valedictorian Rips Up Approved Speech on Stage, Recites Lord’s Prayer at Graduation

PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. — A high school valedictorian from South Carolina ripped up his approved speech on stage this past weekend, and minutes later, delivered the Lord’s Prayer in defiance of the school district’s decision to no longer include prayer at graduation ceremonies. Roy Costner IV drew loud applause and cheers when he surprised attendees […]

NYC Sex App Shows Teens Where to Get Abortion, Contraceptives, Homosexual Services

NYC Sex App Shows Teens Where to Get Abortion, Contraceptives, Homosexual Services

NEW YORK — A free phone app being offered to teens in New York City provides information on where youth can obtain sexually-related services, including abortions, contraceptives and homosexual counseling. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has been offering the app on its website, as well as a .pdf version of […]

Louisiana Lawmakers Reject Proposed Repeal of State’s ‘Creation Science and Evolution Science Act’

Louisiana Lawmakers Reject Proposed Repeal of State’s ‘Creation Science and Evolution Science Act’

BATON ROUGE – Louisiana’s House Education Committee on Wednesday rejected a repeal to a 1981 law which allows both creation science and evolutionary theory to be taught in public schools. The proposed repeal was sponsored by Republican Dan Claitor, and—had it been passed—would have deleted Louisiana’s “Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act.” According to the 1981 […]

Innovative New Homeschool Academy Launched to Teach Science From Biblical Worldview

Innovative New Homeschool Academy Launched to Teach Science From Biblical Worldview

DAYTON, Tenn. – In 1925, a historic court case forever changed the way many Americans view science and religion. Today, nearly 90 years later, two professors are launching a new Christian science organization less than a mile from where that momentous trial unfolded all those many years ago. In the early 20th century, as the […]