An internationally-known doctor recently sparked much controversy at a popular university for his views about evolution. John Hopkins’ neurosurgeon Ben Carson was invited to give the commencement speech at Emery University in Atlanta, Georgia this past Monday. When several biology teachers at Emery got wind of Carson’s invitation, they decided to draft a letter to […]
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addressed a packed football stadium today as he gave a commencement speech at the world’s largest Christian university. While he did not speak directly about the Mormon religion, he made ecumenical efforts to appeal to the crowd on the basis of “common ground.” Referencing Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Chuck Colson […]
The president of the world’s largest Christian college admitted today that it was his idea to invite Mitt Romney to deliver this weekend’s commencement speech at the university, and that he plans to also invite Obama before the election. Jerry Falwell, Jr., who became president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia following his father’s death […]
A 19-year old Canadian high school student was recently suspended for wearing a t-shirt that read “Life is Wasted Without Jesus.” According to reports, the school stated that it had warned William Swinimer not to wear the t-shirt on numerous occasions. The superintendent opined that the shirt was problematic because it was directed at the […]