Widow Ordered Not to Discuss God or Pray at Government-Funded Housing Complex

Widow Ordered Not to Discuss God or Pray at Government-Funded Housing Complex

A widow in Minnesota was recently informed that she could not engage in religious discussion in the commons area of the apartment complex at which she resides. Ruth Sweats, an elderly woman that lives at Osborne Apartments in Spring Lake Park near Minneapolis, says that she was engaged in a private discussion with another resident […]

Law Defining Marriage Between a Man and Woman Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court

Law Defining Marriage Between a Man and Woman Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court

A federal appeals court ruled today that the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as being between a man and a woman, is unconstitutional. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of 83-year old Edith Windsor, who challenged the law, claiming that it is discriminatory toward homosexuals. “This law violated the fundamental […]

Billy Graham’s Staff Removed Page Labeling Mormonism a ‘Cult’ After Graham’s Endorsement of Romney

Billy Graham’s Staff Removed Page Labeling Mormonism a ‘Cult’ After Graham’s Endorsement of Romney

Billy Graham, who is considered one of the most renowned evangelical leaders of the 21st century, recently endorsed Republican candidate Mitt Romney for the office of president. Following a meeting with Romney, Graham’s ministry removed a page from its website that referred to Mormonism as being a “cult.” According to reports, Graham, 93, met with Romney at […]

National Legal Organization Rebuts Obama: Planned Parenthood is Not Licensed to Perform Mammograms

National Legal Organization Rebuts Obama: Planned Parenthood is Not Licensed to Perform Mammograms

An attorney with a national Christian legal organization is asserting that Barack Obama’s statement regarding Planned Parenthood during Tuesday night’s presidential debate is false. During the debate in Hempstead, New York, Obama stated, “[T]here are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for — not just contraceptive care — they […]

From Jailing Evangelists to Church Bomb Plot, Christian Persecution on the Rise in America

From Jailing Evangelists to Church Bomb Plot, Christian Persecution on the Rise in America

Throughout 2012, numerous incidents have been making headlines pertaining to the persecution of Christians in America. Some believe that persecution is on the rise, and that matters will only continue to get worse across the country on both the federal and local levels. While circumstances have not escalated to the intensity taking place in countries […]

Romney Releases New Television Ad Underscoring Support for Abortion, Contraception

Romney Releases New Television Ad Underscoring Support for Abortion, Contraception

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has released a new television advertisement underscoring his support for abortion and contraception. The thirty second advertisement, geared toward women voters, features Sarah Minto, who outlines that she had concerns about Romney’s “extreme” abortion views until she realized that he wasn’t completely opposed to abortion after all. “You know, those […]

Protesters Storm Church, Chant ‘If Mary Had Known About Abortion, We Wouldn’t Have This Nonsense’

Protesters Storm Church, Chant ‘If Mary Had Known About Abortion, We Wouldn’t Have This Nonsense’

Quebec, Canada — Pro-abortion protesters recently stormed an evangelical church in Canada during a conference on pro-life issues. According to reports, at least twenty protesters — all under the age of 25 — gathered outside of the Life Coalition Conference in Quebec to express their disapproval of the annual event. Various groups had advertised their […]

Charge Against Preacher Cited for Being Flashed By Female Heckler Dismissed

Charge Against Preacher Cited for Being Flashed By Female Heckler Dismissed

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — A municipal court in Philadelphia has dismissed a disorderly conduct charge against a preacher that was cited for being flashed by a female heckler. Following notification today in court that the prosecution has no interest in pursuing the case, Judge Jackie Frazier-Lyde, daughter of renowned boxer Joe Frazier, dismissed the charge against evangelist […]

Romney Remarks Draw Criticism: No Abortion Legislation On My Agenda

Romney Remarks Draw Criticism: No Abortion Legislation On My Agenda

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told reporters yesterday that there are no current pieces of legislation pertaining to abortion that he would support if elected as president. “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda,” he advised the editorial board of the Des Moines Register during […]