Federal Judge Throws Out Atheist Lawsuit Seeking to Remove 9/11 Cross From NYC Museum

Federal Judge Throws Out Atheist Lawsuit Seeking to Remove 9/11 Cross From NYC Museum

Manhattan, New York — A federal judge appointed by former president Bill Clinton has thrown out a lawsuit filed by a national atheist organization that sought to remove a steel beam cross from the 9/11 Museum in New York City because it promoted Christianity. As previously reported, the group American Atheists stated that the cross, […]

Iowa Lawmakers to Community College: We Will Not Give Funds to Those Who ‘Pervert the Bible’

Iowa Lawmakers to Community College: We Will Not Give Funds to Those Who ‘Pervert the Bible’

Des Moines, Iowa — Lawmakers in Iowa are threatening to pull funding to a state community college after they became aware that the educational institution was using taxpayer money to send students to a homosexual event that they believe perverts the Bible. “We cannot in good conscience vote to give taxpayer dollars to people or […]

Florida Planned Parenthood Opposes Bill Requiring Care For Babies Born Alive After Abortion Attempts

Tallahassee, Florida — Representatives for a Florida chapter of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood expressed their opposition this week to a bill that would require that babies that are born alive after failed abortion attempts receive life-saving medical care. HB1129, the Infants Born Alive Act, was approved by the Civil Justice Subcommittee and Health Quality Subcommittee […]

Atheist Group Loses Lawsuit Challenging Prayers at Florida City Commission Meetings

Atheist Group Loses Lawsuit Challenging Prayers at Florida City Commission Meetings

Lakeland, Florida — A Florida atheist group has lost their court challenge surrounding prayers that are offered during Lakeland’s City Commission meetings. Atheists of Florida had filed a lawsuit against the City of Lakeland and its mayor, Gow Field, in 2010, contending that the prayers that preceded each meeting violated the Establishment Clause of the […]

Religious Leaders Protest Obama Drone Policy

Religious Leaders Protest Obama Drone Policy

Washington (CNN) – A group of rabbis, pastors and priests has a message for President Barack Obama: stop the drone war. In a video produced by the Brave New Foundation, a group that uses video and social media to protest against drones, Jewish and Christian leaders describe the practice as “assassination by remote control,” which violates […]

Kentucky Lawmakers Override Democratic Governor’s Veto of Religious Freedom Bill

Kentucky Lawmakers Override Democratic Governor’s Veto of Religious Freedom Bill

Frankfort, Kentucky — Lawmakers in the state of Kentucky have voted to override Democratic Governor Steve Beshear’s veto of a religious freedom bill that passed in the legislature last week. As previously reported, Beshear rejected The Religious Freedom Act last Friday, releasing a statement to explain his decision. “I value and cherish our rights to […]

Former Presidential Candidate Blasts Franklin Graham, Richard Land for Endorsing Gun Control Measure

Former Presidential Candidate Blasts Franklin Graham, Richard Land for Endorsing Gun Control Measure

A former presidential candidate is blasting Franklin Graham and Richard Land for expressing their endorsement of universal background checks as a form of gun control, stating that they are “on the wrong side of the Bible and history.” In a recent Time Magazine article, Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, explained that […]

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Identify Those ‘Who Use Courts As Weapon’ to Attack Religion

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Identify Those ‘Who Use Courts As Weapon’ to Attack Religion

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania — A Pennsylvania lawmaker has unveiled legislation that would require the naming of plaintiffs who file lawsuits to remove religious symbols from public places. Rep. Tim Krieger (R-Delmont) said he introduced House Bill 922 in response to two lawsuits filed on behalf of anonymous plaintiffs by the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation. The […]

Kagan Decries ‘Moral Disapproval of Homosexuality’ as Justices Mull ‘Federalism’ in DOMA Case

Kagan Decries ‘Moral Disapproval of Homosexuality’ as Justices Mull ‘Federalism’ in DOMA Case

Washington, D.C. — The nine justices of the Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case of United States v. Windsor today, insinuating that the court might leave the argument over homosexual “marriage” up to the states. The debate follows Tuesday’s hearing over the validity of California’s Proposition 8, which barred same-sex “marriage” in the […]

Family Groups Warn of ‘Explosive’ Consequences if High Court Affirms Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Family Groups Warn of ‘Explosive’ Consequences if High Court Affirms Homosexual ‘Marriage’

As the Supreme Court heard oral argument yesterday in the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, otherwise known as the California’s Proposition 8 challenge, and will hear argument today in United States v. Windsor, otherwise known as the effort to overturn the federal Defense of Marriage Act, pro-family groups across the nation are expressing concern over the […]