NEW ORLEANS, La. — Scores of Christians from across the country have touched down in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII, excited about the upcoming game and its surrounding events. However, their excitement and fanaticism is for a much different reason than most, as they state that they can’t wait to fill the streets with the Gospel […]
Uganda, Africa — A Ugandan pastor reports that he was arrested and chained to a tree last weekend for distributing a Gospel film outside one of the largest megachurches in the nation. Pastor Bill Issa of Reconcilation Outreach Ministries states that he and a team of five Christians set out last Saturday to distribute copies […]
Richmond, Virginia — The Virginia Senate Committee unanimously approved a bill this week that seeks to do away with parts of a state law criminalizing cohabitation. Currently, only four states in the nation — Michigan, Mississippi, Virginia and Florida — have laws on the books prohibiting unmarried couples from living together. The Virginia statute dates […]
Parker, Florida — A small city in Florida is considering enacting a ban against establishing new churches near businesses that sell alcoholic beverages. City council members in Parker, Florida state that the ordinance would bar the construction or conversion of a building into a house of worship within 500 feet of any beer-selling business, including […]
Mexico City, Mexico — Officials in Mexico have broken up an alleged sex slave cult that involved a man who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. According to reports, the cult ran a ring right on the United States border, and sought to recruit women to have sexual relations with a man who […]
Austin, Texas — Leaders from several Protestant denominations met with representatives from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops last night to sign an ecumenical document agreeing to recognize each other’s baptisms. The document, entitled “These Living Waters: Common Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Baptism,” has been approximately four years in the making. The Presbyterian […]
Thousand Oaks, California — Two former elementary school teachers and a once-secular school in California are fighting a complicated legal battle in the courts regarding the dismissal of the teachers for refusing to provide proof of their Christian faith. Little Oaks Elementary School is a pre-k through 5th grade institution owned by Calvary Chapel of […]
Barron, Wisconsin — Government officials in a Wisconsin county have voted unanimously to continue with prayers at their monthly county board meetings despite threats from a national atheist organization to file a lawsuit over the matter. According to reports, citizens throughout Barron County recently turned out to the January board meeting to express their overwhelming […]
Dallas, Texas — The Boy Scouts of America, which requires its members to swear under scout oath to live “morally straight,” has confirmed that it is discussing ending its ban on openly homosexual members, and is considering instead allowing local troops to create their own policy surrounding the matter. Deron Smith, spokesperson for the organization, […]
Waco, Texas — Vandals in Waco, Texas have desecrated a memorial site that was erected in honor of the thousands of unborn babies that are killed in America by abortion. Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries is also the founder of Rachel’s Park Memorial, named after Jeremiah 31:15, which speaks of Rachel weeping for her children […]