Washington, D.C. — Barack Obama signed into law the 2013 version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this week, calling the included Conscience Clause provision that exempts military chaplains from performing homosexual ceremonies “unnecessary and ill-advised.” “Section 533 is an unnecessary and ill-advised provision, as the military already appropriately protects the freedom of conscience […]
Tens of thousands of Christians across the country are expected to shop at their local Hobby Lobby outlet today in support of the company’s determination to obey God rather than Obama. As previously reported, Joe Grabowski of StandWithHobbyLobby.com has named Saturday, January 5th as the official appreciation day for the company, when proponents will shop at Hobby Lobby as […]
Portland, Maine — Through the efforts of a local restaurant owner, dozens of abortion advocates in Maine flocked to Planned Parenthood of Portland this morning to stand against a group of pro-life women and their families, which seek to minister to abortion-minded mothers outside of the facility each week. As previously reported, Mike Fink of Mike’s […]
An article released this week by the New York Times outlines that coffeehouse churches and other non-traditional settings are becoming the new wave across the nation as many pastors and emergent congregations are attempting to reinnovate the church in order to reach a culture that is increasingly turning against God. “The cool thing is church […]
Trementina, New Mexico — A journalist in the UK has written a book about what he calls a secret Scientologist “alien space cathedral” after studying an underground bunker built by the organization hidden deep in the desert of New Mexico. John Sweeney of The Sun states that the enormous facility, called the Trementina Base, was built […]
Annapolis, Maryland — A tourist company in Maryland has decided to end its wedding-related services in order to avoid lawsuits from homosexuals who believe that the business should be forced to accommodate same-sex “weddings.” Matt Grubbs, the owner of Discover Annapolis Tours, is a born again Christian, and as such, he believes that the Bible […]
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — Christians across the country state that they will be standing with Hobby Lobby this weekend as the popular craft chain continues to defy the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare. Joe Grabowski of StandWithHobbyLobby.com has named Saturday, January 5th as the official appreciation day for the company, when supporters will shop at […]
Topeka, Kansas — A Kansas man is fighting a lawsuit after being ordered by government officials to pay child support for a baby that he fathered with a lesbian via artificial insemination. William Marotta states that he responded to a Craigslist classified ad in 2009 where two women were seeking a man to donate his […]
Madison, Wisconsin — An atheist activist group from Wisconsin has filed a third lawsuit against the IRS, this time alleging that the federal tax organization is wrongfully engaging in a practice of “preferential treatment of churches.” The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) states that its main concern is that the organization has had to pay […]
Baltimore, Maryland — As the clock turned midnight on the East Coast and many celebrated the new year, homosexuals observed the occasion by hosting “wedding” ceremonies in Baltimore City Hall. Maryland’s homosexual “marriage” law was set to go into effect on January 1st, as it became the last of three states to make the legislation […]