The new Disney-Pixar animated film “Onward,” which has main themes centering on wizardry and a magic “visitation spell” to temporarily conjure a father up from the dead, also features a line where a cyclops police officer — voiced by a homosexual screenwriter — subtly reveals to viewers that she is a lesbian. “Onward” tells the […]
HOLLAND PATENT, N.Y. — A school district in New York says that it has addressed a public high school biology teacher — who has agreed to comply — after it received a complaint from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) that the teacher recently “undermin[ed] the theory of evolution” to students. FFRF sent a […]
KYLE, Texas — A now former Assemblies of God (AG) “church” in Texas has announced that its elder board has decided to allow practicing homosexuals to serve in all capacities, including as pastors, and that pastors will be permitted to officiate same-sex ceremonies if so desired. The district office of the AG says it “moved swiftly” […]
TEL LACHISH — The ruins of what has been characterized as a Canaanite temple, along with numerous artifacts — including a gold-plated bottle referencing the historic Egyptian leader Rameses and two bronze “smiting gods”— have been unearthed in Lachish, the biblical city where the Scripture chronicles in the Book of Joshua that “the Lord delivered […]
A video posted to TikTok that led viewers to believe that a young woman was celebrating her abortion — but was revealed to be the continuation of a “joke” about those who say that Plan B is tantamount to abortion — has generated controversy online, with a number of abortion “rights” advocates posting depraved […]
SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suspended his campaign on Sunday, making the announcement in his hometown of South Bend, Indiana, where he once served as governor, and being introduced by his “husband,” Chasten Glezman, whom he hugged and kissed before taking the podium. Buttigieg was the first homosexual presidential candidate in […]
A woman in Scotland recently told the BBC that obtaining hormones and surgery to physically appear as a man did not eliminate her problems, and when she began advising mental health professionals of her regret, they offered little help. Sinead Watson says that she read about gender dysphoria online when she was 21 and concluded […]
LONDON — A former Iranian Muslim turned Christian is applying for asylum in England once again after his application in 2018 was denied with the claim that he would not face a “real act of persecution” if he returned to the country. He fears being separated from his family and subjected to imprisonment, torture, and […]
MARSHALL, Texas — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit against seven east Texas towns over recently-passed ordinances prohibiting abortion facilities and abortion advocacy groups from operating within their borders, considering such entities to be “criminal organizations.” There are no abortion facilities in any of those towns, but the ACLU argues — on […]
SAN FRANCISCO — David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), along with his co-worker Sandra Merritt, pleaded not guilty on Friday to criminal counts surrounding an undercover investigation they conducted into Planned Parenthood and its business partners over the extraction, transferal and sale of the body parts of aborted babies. Daleiden and Merritt […]