Islamic Gunmen Kill 12 at French Newspaper Office That Published Cartoons Mocking Mohammad

Islamic Gunmen Kill 12 at French Newspaper Office That Published Cartoons Mocking Mohammad

PARIS — Three masked gunmen who shouted the Islamic saying “Allahu Ahkbar” gunned down twelve people on Wednesday at the office of a French satirical newspaper that has been known for publishing cartoons mocking the Muslim prophet Mohammad and other Islamic figures. “We will find the people who did this,” French President Francois Hollande said. “France […]

Canadian Mennonites Officiate First Same-Sex ‘Wedding’

Canadian Mennonites Officiate First Same-Sex ‘Wedding’

SASKATOON, Canada — Two Mennonite ministers in Canada have officiated the denomination’s first same-sex “wedding,” holding the service publicly in a “church” building in Saskatchewan. Anita Retzlaff and Patrick Preheim of Nutana Park Mennonite Church officiated the ceremony for Craig Friesen and Matt Weins on Dec. 31, which was held at Osler Mennonite, the childhood […]

Muslim Man Shouts ‘Allah Is Great’ While Attempting to Strangle French Police Officer

Muslim Man Shouts ‘Allah Is Great’ While Attempting to Strangle French Police Officer

METZ, France — A Muslim man attempted to strangle a police officer in France on Friday while yelling the Islamic slogan “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “Allah is great.” According to The Telegraph, the man had been arrested for theft in a bag snatching incident, and while incarcerated over the matter, asked a police officer for a […]

‘Pope’ Francis, Roman Catholics Worldwide Observe ‘Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God’

‘Pope’ Francis, Roman Catholics Worldwide Observe ‘Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God’

ROME — In the next Roman Catholic holiday on the liturgical calendar following Christmas, Catholics worldwide observed the “Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God” today, a tradition that is perhaps little known by Christians but would nonetheless be rejected by most. The feast day is a long-held Roman Catholic holiday that is meant to celebrate […]

2014 Year in Review: Marriage, Muslims and the Abortion Pill Mandate

2014 Year in Review: Marriage, Muslims and the Abortion Pill Mandate

As the year comes to a close, many like to reflect on the significant stories that shaped the past twelve months. A number of major events affected Christians throughout 2014, from the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding Hobby Lobby’s right to refuse to pay for abortifacient drugs, to the numerous court rulings nationwide striking down […]

Filipino City Requires Taxi Drivers to Display Bible Verses on Vehicles

Filipino City Requires Taxi Drivers to Display Bible Verses on Vehicles

TAGBILARAN, Philippines — A city in the Philippines mandates all of its taxi drivers to paint Scripture on the back of their vehicles, also known as three-wheeled motorcycles, in an effort to curb crime in the city. While the regulation in Tagbilaran has been in effect for over twenty years, reports have just recently highlighted […]

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Synagogue in Israel Where Jesus May Have Taught

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Synagogue in Israel Where Jesus May Have Taught

MAGDALA, Israel – Archaeologists in Israel believe they have discovered the remains of an ancient synagogue where Jesus may have taught. Magdala is an ancient village in Israel located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, just five miles from the biblical city of Capernaum. The village has yielded numerous archaeological findings through […]