Hundreds of Clergy Reportedly Join Online Support Group for Closet Atheists

Hundreds of Clergy Reportedly Join Online Support Group for Closet Atheists

An online support group for clergy who doubt their faith says that it has generated hundreds of members. The Clergy Project is a joint effort between the groups American Atheists, Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Richard Dawkins Foundation. The site serves as a forum where clergy can anonymously discuss their doubts about their faith […]

Syracuse Police Sergeant Who ‘Likely’ Violated Evangelists’ Rights Relieved of Duties

Syracuse Police Sergeant Who ‘Likely’ Violated Evangelists’ Rights Relieved of Duties

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The City of Syracuse has relieved one of its officers from his enforcement duties following a civil challenge presented by two evangelists in federal court. According to documents filed by the city, Sgt. Michael Long of the Syracuse Licensing Department, who identified himself as “the end all” and “an army of one,” […]

Indian Abortionist Accused of Feeding Fetuses to Dogs on the Run

Indian Abortionist Accused of Feeding Fetuses to Dogs on the Run

An abortionist out of India that was accused of feeding fetuses to his dogs is on the run, sources say. Sudam Munde was arrested last month after a woman that was seeking a sex-selection abortion died during the procedure. He was later released from police custody and has since vanished. He had been arrested previously […]

Atheist Eagle Scout Sues School District Over Graduation Prayer

Atheist Eagle Scout Sues School District Over Graduation Prayer

A self-proclaimed atheist Eagle Scout has sued his local school district for allowing prayer at his graduation ceremony last month. Matthew “Max” Neilson, 18, says that his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when school officials at Irmo High School in Columbia, South Carolina allowed a student to proceed with the benediction when he […]

‘Pastor’ Who Voted for Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Loses Congregation, Faces Foreclosure

‘Pastor’ Who Voted for Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Loses Congregation, Faces Foreclosure

A pastor in St. Paul, Minnesota is facing foreclosure due a mass exodus of his congregation following his vote in support of homosexual “marriage.” Oliver White of the Grace Community United Church of Christ first began losing members when he voted in favor of homosexual “marriage” at a national UCC meeting in 2005. The once […]

Young Missionary Couple Killed in Plane Crash

Young Missionary Couple Killed in Plane Crash

ZAMBIA — A young missionary couple has been killed in a plane crash in Zambia, Africa. Jay and Katrina Erickson of Spokane, Washington died Saturday afternoon when their six-passenger Cessna struck an electrical pole and crashed into the Zambezi River. The couple was returning from transporting a nurse that works at Chitokoloki Hospital, where the […]

Rhyming Chaplain Set to Retire; KS Senate at Loss for Who to Hire

Rhyming Chaplain Set to Retire; KS Senate at Loss for Who to Hire

Kansas senators are lamenting the retirement of a very special chaplain. Fred Hollomon has been opening each session of the Senate with prayer for 31 years. However, Hollomon’s prayers aren’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill invocation. Each and every one of them are all set to rhyme. The 86-year-old chaplain says that he spends approximately two hours every […]